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Which Do You Like?Crowdfunding Market Research on Car, Film &Book
Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books
Lafayette, CA
Monday, December 8, 2014

Market Research for Indiegogo Campaigns for New Car, Book, and Film Projects

       What would you prefer to fund – a campaign to save a new car after a near disaster in the desert, create a suspense thriller after a car breakdown leads to an investigation of powerful companies involved in scams and murder, or write a book or film a documentary about scams and how to avoid them?

      That's the question which writer-filmmaker Gini Graham Scott faced after a car breakdown in Las Vegas, when she went there to meet the director, cast, and crew of her first feature film: SUICIDE PARTY: SAVE DAVE.  She only drove her 1992 Toyota there after she had it inspected at an auto repair shop and the manager assured her the car would be fine.  But three days and 40 miles after driving from the Bay Area to Vegas it died. When the auto repair shop claimed no responsibility, Scott was inspired to turn the experience into a book and documentary about scams, rather than taking the company to court, since experts have a duty to warn of risks they know about.    

      The breakdown also inspired a suspense thriller as she imagined what might happen if a woman blogger with a similar experience investigated the company, discovered it was involved in all kinds of scams with other companies, and got targeted to be killed by some  powerful individuals threatened by her investigation.  Plus Scott hoped to get some help to cover the car loan payments, since she ended up buying a new car she couldn't afford rather than face the possibility of getting stuck and dying in the hot Mojave Desert. That could happen if she tried to fix her old car and it broke down, since a car mechanic in Las Vegas warned her there was a 50-50 chance the car engine wouldn't make it.      

      Thus, she created crowdfunding campaigns for each project, plus a campaign that combined all four projects, with plans to have the director of her feature film SUICIDE PARTY: SAVE DAVE direct the documentary or suspense thriller, since he directed the film that led Scott to drive to Las Vegas, which led to the breakdown which inspired all the other projects.  The SUICIDE PARTY film trailer just got launched at http://youtu.be/J0uUOpTewPs    

      But which crowdfunding campaign would have the most appeal?  And could a series of related crowdfunding campaigns be used for market research?  To find out, Scott has created a competition in which campaign contributors of $5 or more will be entered into a pool to win 5% of the contributions to the campaign with the most contributions, once any campaign reaches its goal or attains at least $10,000, in addition to the other perks offered by that campaign.  For example, if a campaign obtains $10,000, that'll be a $500 prize; if the campaign attains $40,000, that's $2000.  And the award will be presented in a red carpet ceremony with a great big check.      

      Want to see all of the campaigns to decide which you like best?  You can contribute as little as $1 to keep up with what's happening in the campaign, or $5 or more to be included in the pool, plus gain any of the rewards for that level of contributions.  Here are the links for each campaign.

     The New Car: http://www.indiegogo.com/at/new-car-film

     Scammed: The Documentary: http://www.indiegogo.com/at/scammed-doc

     Save My Car: http://www.indiegogo.com/at/save-my-car

     Scammed: The Book and Documentary: http://www.indiegogo.com/at/scammed

     New Car Survival, Book, and Film Campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/at/car-book-film     

      Scott is in a good position to make any of these projects happen with some help from contributors. Besides being the writer/executive producer for SUICIDE PARTY: SAVE DAVE, she has published over 50 books, including some recent ones on current social issues: THE NEW MIDDLE AGES (Nortia Press) and LIES AND LIARS: HOW AND WHY SOCIOPATHS LIE AND HOW TO DETECT AND DEAL WITH THEM (Skyhorse Publishing), both to be released in early 2015. Also, Scott has written and produced over 50 short videos, including the documentary, THE BATTLE AGAINST INTERNET BOOK PIRACY.  You can see information about her videos on YouTube at www.youtube.com/changemakersprod.  She is also the Creative Director of a service that connects writers to publishers, agents, and the film industry: Publishers, Agents and Films (www.publishersagentsandfilms.com).  

For more information contact:

Nancy Parker
Executive Assistant
Publishers, Agents, & Films
Changemakers Publishing and Writing

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Name: Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: Director
Group: Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Dateline: San Ramon, CA United States
Direct Phone: (925) 804-6333
Cell Phone: 510-919-4030
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