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Publishers Agents & Films Facebook Page Features Tips for Writers
Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books
Lafayette, CA
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Different Types of Writers Publishers Agents and Films Might Help

      Publishers, Agents & Films at www.publishersagentsandfilms.com has set up a new Facebook page at www.facebook.com/publishersagentsandfilms with tips for writers and filmmakers on finding agents and publishers and film industry contacts to get book and film deals.  It is also a forum for writers to ask questions about finding traditional publishers or self-publishing successfully – which includes building buzz so their book or film stands out from the millions of books and thousands of films launched each year.  Within a few days, the page has scored nearly 200 followers.

      The Facebook page includes links to marketing tips on its website, based on author Gini Graham Scott's experience in publishing over 50 books with traditional publishers, publishing over 30 books through Changemakers Publishing, and selling 10 new books to five publishers through Publishers Agents & Films' system of sending out personalized emails to targeted contacts based on the kind of project. 

      One of the recent articles deals with a disturbing trend in the industry – traditional publishers are charging book authors to publish their books, sometimes by requiring minimum book purchases of 2000 to 10,000 books, at a cost of $20,000-$100,000.  At one time these publishers paid authors advances, but now given the turmoil in the publishing industry, they require these payments from authors.  So they are like the printing services and platforms, which enable authors to publish their own books for no charge to a few thousand dollars.  The major difference is they have the big name and prestige.  So they are getting some clients this way, but many others are turning them down.    

      The only authors getting the big bucks – sometimes millions -- from these traditional publishers are the famous name authors, who are like loss leaders to attract the writers who pay. And increasingly publishers need these paying authors when the books by the big names tank.  This pay to play arrangement is a disturbing trend that writers have to contend with today, along with lower or no advances from many publishers.

      Other past articles on the website with links from the Facebook page deal with the ins and outs of finding publishers and agents.  The articles are provided by Publishers, Agents & Films as a public service to help writers get their books published or their films produced.  One way the Company helps to do this is by sending out emails from the writer's email, using special software to send a personalized query to contacts in the publishing and film industries.  The success of this approach is shown by the over 260 testimonials from clients on the Company's website, along with the books of several dozen successful authors on the website's home page.

      For more details, visit the website at www.publishersagentsandfilms.com, and you can call Nancy Parker at (925) 385-0608 for further information.

For more information contact:

Nancy Parker
Executive Assistant
Publishers, Agents, & Films
Changemakers Publishing and Writing

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: Director
Group: Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Dateline: San Ramon, CA United States
Direct Phone: (925) 804-6333
Cell Phone: 510-919-4030
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