Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Aug12, 2015
Ten ways to kill all living beings on earth within 100 years
Ten ways to kill all living things on Earth within 100 years based on The 10 Ecological Boundaries. Please note, originally it was 50 years but because I am an optimist, I extended it to 100 years. These are things we SHOULD NOT BE DOING but are doing.
Build Nuclear plants with the current method (they should be using Thorium instead, look it up).
a. Store wastes in pools out back. To be sure it will effectively kill, build it near a fresh water supply. It will leak if it isn't leaking already.
b. Build nuclear plants near the ocean, make sure it is on a fault line! Let it leak into the ocean.
c. Build nuclear plants near big cities. Let it leak into the city.
d. Build nuclear plants near your favorite farm belt. Radiate your food. YUM!
e. What about nuclear waste? Sure Nuclear Power is safe as long as you ignore the waste it produces. You can delay this end by another 100 years (maybe) if you bury it in someone else's state. No matter what you put it in, it will leak. Every nuclear plant on earth is leaking already nuclear radiation into our air, water, ocean crossing all Ecological boundaries. Life cannot live long radiated. Radiation crosses all Ecological Barriers.
2. Ignore the climate change warnings and drill baby drill! First will come global warming then it will be followed by an ice age. The last global warming occurred when Europeans cut down most of their forest. It called the Medieval Warming which lasted around 500 years; it was followed an ice age called the Little Ice Age also lasted around 500 years. That was without our current pollution/deforestation rate, this time it will last much longer. See my Blog "Climate Change-The Next Ice Age?" Ice Ages are bad but try surviving a Nuclear Ice Age? Ignore Climate change and continue to use outdated methods of doing business. (Let's drill in the Arctic. Really?)
3. Build the Keystone Pipeline. 50 years. Really? I give it 10 to 20 years, provided some terrorists doesn't blow it up first. It would be about right time for it to burst all up and down mid-America! Pipelines are bursting already. Look at Canada and look here in the USA. Their pipes burst once a day, over 300 acres have nothing living there, no trees, no birds, no insects. Look it up. The native Indians are saying "Everything is dead." The pipeline that burst in Arkansas was only five years old. Improvident Land use (misuse of land-i.e.. Corporations take over land from farmer-farmer moves to ? while land become a cash crop for a corporation). Keystone Pipeline is a perfect example of Improvident Land use gone nuts. Even recently pipelines in the USA have burst (see "Oil and Yellowstone National Park."
4. Eat GMO )(GEO) foods with pesticides in the gene or? ( almost everything you eat now is GMO(GEO) unless it is certified organic, but soon there will be no certified organic anywhere.). Only eat "certified organic" as anything labeled "Natural" may also be GMO(GEO). GEO knows no physical barriers and has already crossed several of the "Earth's Ecological Barriers". Do you not know what "GEO" is? Look it up!
a. Let Monsanto control GMO(GEO) research. If not stopped, within a few years there with be no viable organic seeds, no plants, no trees, no flowers, no safe food. Nothing will reproduce due to terminator tech build into anything GMO(GEO). Terminator tech was developed so that farmers had to buy the seeds over and over again. They also knew that it (GMO(GEO) pollen) cannot stop from spreading around the world and pollinating other plants and they too would become GMO(GEO). What they are not telling you is that it works only 95% of the time, the other 5% pollinate and spreads it to other plants worldwide. What about humans? Will humans be able to reproduce? What about pets and other animals? Their food is GMO(GEO) too. What about Bees? A Major die off is the result.
b. GMO(GEO) tech only develops pests resistant to Roundup, 24-d, BT, etc. Then resistance to whatever pesticide is used to replace it and so on, becoming a never-ending cycle of stronger pesticides. Humans and all living things were not meant to eat pesticides. Recently it was discovered that GMO(GEO) cotton with BT found in high concentrations in the soil and surrounding areas. Insects are becoming immune to the BT.
c. GMO(GEO) tech develops super weeds resistant to anything you throw at it. See - "Some GMO's are Good, and Some GMO's are bad" for why I use GMO(GEO) together when I talk about GMO.
5. Keep eating microwave food. You are what you eat! Food that gets microwaved destroyed food and is no longer food. Food pollution is bad!
6. Keep that cell phone on! Nothing like fried cells to ensure extinction. Electromagnetic radiation pollution is bad!
7. Sewer Sludge in your compost equals Heavy metals in you food. It was an excellent idea to run a pipe underwater, three or four miles out to sea and on the ocean floor and dump it there. Billions of gallons of human waste, mixed with the medicine of all types mixed with industrial waste is dumped every year along the world's coasts. Heavy metal pollution is bad! This type of pollution has already crossed several of the Earth Ecological Boundaries. Arsenic, mercury levels.
8. Kill every living thing that crosses your path. Millions of road kill every month in The USA alone. Loss of (fill in the blank-birds, deer, rabbit, etc.), loss of animal biodiversity is very bad! Loss of insect biodiversity is very bad! While Solar Power is good, it is also killing birds, etc. by the millions every year.
Between China eating everything that lives,
Hunters going to (fill in the blank) and kill whatever animal they wish,
Toxins everywhere in their water, their food that they have to eat,
Oil spills to Plastics in the ocean,
Nuclear radiation,
Climate Change: (which is caused by humans) (natural climate change is good for animals), all animals are slowly dying.
Fish fish till there are no more fish (or anything else we hunt or fish or otherwise kill). Loss of Fish biodiversity is very bad! Ocean acidification is very bad! It is one of the Earth Ecological Boundaries that's been crossed.
Plastic: Plastic does not decompose, merely forms small plastic "beads", which algae grows on as well as absorbs radiation, and medicine. It will last almost forever. A whale was found dead, when they did an autopsy, it was found to be full of plastic. Birds, sea animals are dying of hunger while their Stomachs are full of plastic. Fishes are being found that have plastic in them, and we are eating it.
9. Deforestation and land misuse
Trees play a very important role in the health of the earth as a place where living beings are to be found. Without that support, nothing will be alive. We have destroyed 3/4 of the world's trees and are in the process of destroying the rest. Besides Oxygen (they take carbon (which we have way too much of) and replace it with oxygen. They also bring minerals and water up from deep within the earth for living beings to use. Recent drought is showing us how important trees are in reducing the damages a drought brings to its local as well as worldwide environment. By telling folks to water their properties less, they are in essence damaging the trees they have maybe even killing them. Under normal conditions (no humans) trees would survive a drought because they would have deep roots that go down and locate underground water sources that they can't now because humans have used up that underground water. We need more trees not fewer trees.
10. Blow yourself up with that nuclear bomb or two. War, especially Nuclear War is very bad because War crosses all boundaries and destroys it.
11. Pollution:
Pollute our bodies with chemicals. Smoke cigarettes and make others smoke you're second, third and fourth hand smoke. Eat as much GEO as you want! Eat Junk Food. Eat food ground chemically and not organically (there is a difference ( see Rodale free report ).
Pollute our water: Pollution of Clean water is very bad! Freshwater use or rather its misuse is one of the Earth Ecological Boundaries, which has been crossed. See Keystone, See oil, etc. See Fracking.
Pollute our air: The modern world has not been paying attention to this important Ecological Barrier (Particle Pollution), which we passed a long time ago. Nothing can survive with toxic air to breathe. Air Pollution is very bad! Ozone Depletion is one of the Earth's Ecological Boundaries that we have crossed.
Pollute our oceans: This Ecological barrier is just as important and one that we sorry need to clean up our act. The oceans are in danger of becoming toxic to all living things. If the ocean fails, so too will humans be not far behind.
Pollute our soil: For years the argument was that you cannot feed the world organically which is not true. Conventional farming methods have destroyed the soil. Here is another Ecological barrier we have crossed.
Disrupt the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycles in plants thru miss use of natural resources and thru congenital farming methods, thru the destruction of the forest being replaced with cities, building of roads destroys the earth underneath it. Another Ecological Boundary we have crossed.
12. Electromagnetic pollution is very bad and crosses all Ecological Barriers. All living things cannot get radiated without sustaining damage. Includes but not limited to Wifi and its various devices. Smart meters along with the "Dangerous" towers we are forced to living next to these. Radiation from our cells phones, TV, Computers, faulty home wiring, faulty microwaves, (too many to name here). All of which bombard our bodies with a tradition that is known to do damage to living cells but its business as usual.
The Chart and more information on Planetary Boundaries located at
Any questions? Email
Andy Lopez
Invisible Gardener
Andy Lopez - The Invisible Gardener --- Click on image to go his website.
Contact Andy Lopez Invisible Gardener 310-457-4438 or call 1-888-316-9573 leave a message.