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12th Annual Be Electrific Day
Carolyn Finch -- Body Language Expert Carolyn Finch -- Body Language Expert
Danbury, CT
Friday, January 16, 2009

Carolyn Finch, MS, SLP
12th Annual National Be Electrific Day February 11, 2009

?The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the causes and prevention of disease.? Thomas Edison - Inventor

Be Electrific Day! February 11, 2009

This is a day that will make your audience respond with loud clapping and amazement! And your television viewing audience will say ?WOW!?

We are talking about Be Electrific Day, a day to celebrate the birth of Thomas Edison.

What is Electrific? It is an abbreviation for an electrification project - which means to put light where light has not been before. That is what Thomas Edison did. He created the light bulb and the movie camera and many more inventions. February 11th is his birthday. So on this day we pay tribute to him and his many contributions to society. Edison was also very interested in health and disease. In 1902 he was interviewed for several newspapers and stated: ?The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the causes and prevention of disease.?

Therefore, this is also a day to discover the electricity within our own body. The body IS electric and it is now time to pay attention to this.

The last century brought us chemicals for our body and now we are ingesting and absorbing too many. Electricity is what makes the naturals chemicals work inside our body. The medical world is already checking the electricity of the body using various pieces of equipment such as an MRI or Cardiogram. We are saving lives with a defibrillator during a heart attack.

Through the use of Applied Kinesiology and Nutrition, Carolyn Finch internationally known Body Language Expert and Speech Pathologist demonstrates how we can test for health, developing diseases and allergies using Kinesiology. Carolyn also talks about Electric foods and demonstrate the energy or organic and sprayed foods. You can learn more about Electrific foods on her You Tube video ?Electrific Foods by Carolyn Finch? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UW7lfRrynI&feature=email

Carolyn makes her information simple, memorable and entertaining. Clients and Keynote attendees worldwide leave her programs with practical, valuable and timely information.

Carolyn is author of Universal Handtalk A Survival Sign System for emergency communication with foreign speaking, challenged indivivuals and first responders. She is co-author of Dynamic Health, The Wellness Path, and Creative Innovators. Look for her newest book Victory at ?SEE? - Understanding Body Language for Improved Health, Performance and Success to be released by Advanced Media Summer 2009.
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Name: Carolyn Finch
Group: Electrific Solutions
Dateline: Southbury, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-725-3133
Cell Phone: 203-512-4798
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