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2013 San Francisco Writers Conference--Feb. 14-17
San Francisco Writers Conference San Francisco Writers Conference
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, October 18, 2012

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The 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference will be held President's Day Weekend, February 14th-17th at the InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel on San Francisco's Nob Hill. The conference, recognized as one of the best writer's events in the U.S., addresses both the craft of writing and the business of publishing in its 4-day annual event designed specifically to help writers become published authors. Attendees learn from more than 100 best-selling authors, top literary agents, major publishers, editors and book marketing experts from the West Coast and New York. Online registration and event details are available at: www.SFWriters.org.

Ten years ago, two literary agents—Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada—saw the need for a quality writer's conference in San Francisco. Based on their connections in the industry, they brought some of the finest literary agents and editors from major publishing houses to speak at the first San Francisco Writers Conference in 2004. A decade later, the ongoing success of the event is based on that same concept of learning from respected publishing professionals. The SFWC recognizes the publishing world is changing quickly and there has never been more opportunity for writers to become successfully published authors. So the SFWC continues to bring leaders in both traditional publishing and self-publishing to the event each year. The event's motto says it all—the SFWC is a 'Celebration of Craft, Commerce and Community' for writers.

EVENT OVERVIEW: Attendees will have access to the 50+ information-packed concurrent sessions covering a wide-range of topics (craft, publishing, marketing); all three keynotes; four meals and on-site social events where they can mingle with presenters and fellow writers; and pitch sessions where they will get honest feedback on their work. The event is suitable for writers in any genre (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc.). An orientation and welcome session on Thursday, Feb. 14th is included for all attendees.

AUTHOR PRESENTERS: The partial list of 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference presenters includes popular authors R.L. Stine (best known for the popular Goosebumps series), Barbara Taylor Bradford (A Woman of Substance, Secrets from the Past), and Bella Andre (Let Me Be the One) as keynoters. Meg Waite Clayton (The Wednesday Sisters), David Corbett (Blood of Paradise), John Korty (director of Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman), Mary Mackey (Sugar Zone), Ellen Sussman (French Lessons), Robert Dugoni (Murder One), Sheldon Siegel (The Terrorist Next Door), Meredith Maran (My Lie), Cara Black (Murder in Passy), Ransom Stephens (The God Project), Kemble Scott (Sower 2.0), Kathryn Otashi, (award winning children's books), Zoe FitzGerald Carter, (Imperfect Endings), Penny Warner (How to Host a Killer Party), and Anne Zimmerman (An Extravagant Hunger).

AGENTS: The San Francisco Writers Conference has a reputation for attracting top literary agents looking for talented new clients. This year the participating literary agents include Katharine Sands, Daniel Lazar, Stephany Evans, Kimberley Cameron, Marilyn Atlas, Andrea Brown, Jody Rein, Rayhane Sanders, Taylor Martindale, Jill Marsal, Mandy Hubbard, Verna Dreisbach, Michael Larsen, Elizabeth Pomada, Laurie McLean, Pamela van Hylckama Vlieg, Nephele Tempest, Ken Sherman, Peter Beren, Elizabeth Kracht, and Gordon Warnock. Links to their websites can be found on the SFWC website.

PUBLISHERS: Publishers and editors from top traditional publishing houses include Chuck Adams (Algonquin), Heather Lazare and Annette Pollert (Simon & Schuster), Kelli Fillinham (Random House), Charles Spicer (St. Martin's), Nancy Hancock (HarperOne), and Jan Johnson (Red Wheel/Weiser). Editors Chuck Sambuchino (A Literary Guide to Agents/Writer's Digest) and Elfrieda Abbe (The Writer) will also be presenters.

SELF-PUBLISHING: The SFWC incorporates the latest digital publishing technology into the event. Self-publishing leaders at this year's event include Mark Coker (Smashwords), Brian Felsen (BookBaby.com) and Dan Poynter (the original guru of self-publishing).

INDEPENDENT EDITORS: Several independent editors including Alan Rinzler, David Collin Carr, Gabrielle Harbowy, and Mary Knippel will be available to offer attendees a helpful one-on-one feedback session during the event.

For a complete 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference presenters list, go to: www.SFWriters.org.


GENERAL: Attendance is limited to 325 attendees and there will be more than 100 presenters for optimum interaction. A list of presenters is continually updated on the event website. Attendees can register on-line with a Master Card or Visa credit card at the SFWC website www.SFWriters.org or request a form by mail by writing to: San Francisco Writers Conference, 1029 Jones St., San Francisco, CA 94109.

FEE: The registration fee is $625 until December 31st; $695 until Jan. 31st and $745 thereafter. (Please note the event sells out every year and seats will most likely NOT be available at the door.) Included in the basic registration are all main conference sessions and keynotes, a gala welcome party, two breakfasts and two elegant luncheons in the ballroom…plus an SFWC logo book bag filled with writer goodies. The optional Speed Dating for Agents session ($50) is only available to attendees.

PRE & POST CLASSES: In addition to the main conference, Writing Intensive Workshops are scheduled for Thursday, February 14th and Monday, February 18th. These classes, featuring SFWC presenters, are open to non-attendees. Registration and details on these sessions will be available at www.SFWriters.org by January 2012. These sessions are produced by the San Francisco Writers University.

HOTEL & DIRECTIONS: The Mark Hopkins Hotel is offering a limited number of rooms at a SFWC conference rate of $199 per night based on availability. Details on the SFWC Website or call directly and ask for the SFWC Rate at 415-392-3434. Located at 1 Nob Hill, the scenic California Street and Powell Street cable cars run past the hotel and public parking garages are nearby for those who prefer to drive.

SCHOLORSHIPS: Several San Francisco Writers Conference scholarships are available. For details click on the SCHOLARSHIP tab at: www.sfwriters.org. Anyone wishing to create a scholarship can contact SFWC Director Elizabeth Pomada at 415-673-0939.

The San Francisco Writers Conference is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. For more information on the San Francisco Writers Conference, its programs and upcoming events, go to the website at www.SFWriters.org or call 415-673-0939.

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Author Solutions will sponsor the Gala Opening of the 2013 SFWC

Writer's Digest will sponsor the Speed Dating for Agents session at the 2013 SFWC

Scholarship Benefactors include: John Wiley & Sons, Joyce Turley, Bharti Kirchner, Victoria Hudson, Dr. Melody Lynd, and Dr. Ellen Taliaferro.

Sponsors of the 2013 San Francisco Writers Conference include: The Writer, BookBaby.com, Author Learning Center, Harvey Pawl, Smashwords, 113 Crickets, Turning Stone/Red Wheel/Weiser, The Review Review, Book Expo America, NATPE, Global eBook Awards, ExpertClick, Drexel Online University, InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel & BookShop West Portal (onsite bookstore)

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Elisabeth Kauffman
Title: Director of Marketing
Group: San Francisco Writers Conference
Dateline: Oakley, CA United States
Direct Phone: 13103676215
Cell Phone: 13103676215
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