Friday, July 3, 2015
If you are attending the 2015 National Speakers Association Convention in Washington, DC...let me explain to you why you will want to join the Cigar PEG.
1. This event is for everyone...only about 20% of the attendees actually smoke cigars. Join in the "Philanthropy through Fun" and make a difference by having an amazing time.
2. You will have access (at the Marriott) to "networking on steroids" in the Cigar PEG's after-hours hospitality suite: Friday-Tuesday nights. By the way, the cigar smokers will be OUTSIDE on the patio. The suite is smoke-free...but loaded with adult beverages.
3. The annual Cigar PEG party & celebrity auction is absolutely
AMAZING. This year we will be back at
Ozio Lounge...the location of the 2000 party...and they have added an entire new rooftop. We have bought-out the entire venue for the evening...doors open at 6 PM. Dinner is included. Additionally from 6 PM to 2 AM, beer, wine, martinis & Jack are free. Wearing your Cigar PEG T-Shirt (available in the hospitality suite) is your ticket to get into the Monday night (July 20) party.
4. We have a members book exchange in the bring your books on Saturday and take others' books on Tuesday. This is a great way to promote your book with colleagues and get some excellent new books to take home. As many books as you bring is how many you can take. It's great fun.
5. Since the Cigar PEG's inception, the Cigar PEG has given over a quarter-million dollars to the NSA Foundation and another quarter-million dollars to other medical related causes.
6. Ozio Lounge is where the Cigar PEG held its first celebrity auction in 2000...and 15 years later...we are back. Ozio's is an easy 2 Merto stops from the Marriott.
Check out all the information on the party and auction, listen to podcasts by the celebrities and read about their auction package at
All of the above is available to you for
only $95 if you pre-register online by July 14 at or you can wait and register on-site for $125.
And...if you want to step-it-up become a Benefactor. no-repeat; height:8px; opacity:0.3; width:20px" />