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2020 Graduates Re-Vision the Future
Meg Jordan, PhD., RN, CWP -- Global Medicine Hunter (R) Meg Jordan, PhD., RN, CWP -- Global Medicine Hunter (R)
San Francisco, CA
Sunday, April 26, 2020


(SAN FRANCISCO) --- What is the next generation of leaders thinking about as they graduate in 2020? 

According to Prof. Meg Jordan, PhD, RN, "Research depicting the record levels of anxiety and depression among college students can leave all of us wondering how institutions of health care, governance, education, commerce and justice will survive and shift for the better.  Graduate students are stepping into their careers facing an uncertain future in an age of ongoing pandemics, political divides, climate change catastrophes, and growing loneliness and despair.

"The graduates of the M.A. degree in Integrative Health Studies at California Institute of Integral Studies approach these challenges as invigorated, sober optimists with well conceived strategies and skills.  Here are their capstone projects, aimed at shifting societies forward with compassionate policies and cooperative well-being."

Sydney Emerson.  Eat the Cake Mindfully: Intuitive Eating for Female Practitioners with High Trait Orthorexia

Wendi Allmon.   Visions of a Strong Mind and Restored Body for Breast Cancer Recovery

Sandy Lee.   Enhancing Feelings of Love and Security with Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)

Violet Smith.   Ecology of Wellness: Restoring Connection with Nature for Personal and Planetary Healing

Silvia Ramos.     Healing Through Our Talents: Recovering Joy with The Healing Power of Art and Nature

Joseph Burge.  Right Under Our Noses: Revealing the Heterogeneity Among Precontemplators

Sara Clerk.   Belonging Inside Out: A Combined Inter- and Intrapersonal Approach to Loneliness Intervention.

Anisha Lau. Efficacy of Interactive Imagery for Imposter Syndrome Symptoms: A Case Report

Claire Giblin.   Utilizing Rest and Stillness to Mitigate Burnout in Human Service Professionals

Jessie Kraft.   Self-Emotional Learning to Improve EQ and Psycho-Social-Spiritual Well-Being in Children

Zoe Clark. Beauty from the Inside Out: An Integrative Approach  

Rocky Peter.  Reclaiming the Lost Soul: A Shamanic Journey for Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Kimaya Gallimore.  Mindful Moves & Authentic Grooves: An Integrative Approach for

Postpartum Depression

Becca Bainbridge.  Mothering the Mother: Social Support for Post-Partum Depression in Female Active-Duty Army Soldiers

Jane Thomason. The Story Arc of Chronic Lyme: Changing the Narrative

Annie Yearout.  Building Calm & Connection in the Wild:   Nature & Coaching for Chronic Disconnection

Daniel Ruffolo.  Disassociate to Reconnect: Guided Imagery to Sustain the Impact of Ketamine-Assisted Therapy  


For more information about Integrative Health Studies M.A. Degree with three embedded certificates, visit www.ciis.edu/ihl.  


Dr. Meg Jordan, PhD, RN, NBC-HWC, is an award-winning health journalist with Global Medicine Hunter ® News, former Co-President of the National Wellness Institute board, author of HOW TO BE A HEALTH COACH, Department Chair and Professor of Integrative Health Studies M.A. Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.  She is a medical anthropologist, and behavioral health specialist.  mjordan@ciis.edu



Dr. Meg Jordan, PhD, RN, NBC-HWC, is an award-winning health journalist with Global Medicine Hunter ® News, former Co-President of the National Wellness Institute board, author of HOW TO BE A HEALTH COACH, Department Chair and Professor of Integrative Health Studies M.A. Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.  She is a medical anthropologist, and behavioral health specialist.  mjordan@ciis.edu



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Name: Meg Jordan, PhD., RN, NBC-HWC
Group: Global Health Media
Dateline: Novato, CA United States
Direct Phone: 415 599-5523
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