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2023 IRTA Convention Recap
Ron Whitney -- International Reciprocal Trade Association (Barter) Ron Whitney -- International Reciprocal Trade Association (Barter)
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Portsmouth, VA
Monday, October 16, 2023

"Best Convention Ever" Reaps Big Trading Bump for IRTA Convention Attendees!
Women Obtain Board Majority for 1st Time in IRTA's History!
Perfect weather, excellent seminars and an incredible spirit of camaraderie combined to deliver one of the finest IRTA conventions in decades. As Evan Kay from Trade Network International said, "it was one of the best conventions I've ever attended in my life."
IRTA is proud to announce that with the election of IMS Vice-President Kim Strabley to the IRTA Global Board, for the first time in IRTA's history, the majority of the board is women, (7 seats out of 11). Additionally, John Strabley CEO of IMS received the much-deserved 2023 Hall of Fame Award.
Plus, many exchanges have already seen a big bump in their trading from the convention. Per Chris Haddawy at BizX: "We’ve already done $60,000 in UC business this week as a result of the items we promoted at the trade out and deals solidified over dinner meetings. The fees earned from that paid for the trip multiple times over." And Annette Riggs from iTrade Colorado has seen similar increases: "iTrade Colorado has posted over $81,000 in sales since since the convention and more is coming-in, so it was a big win for us! Connections made from participation makes things happen and build relationships for the long term."
IRTA women board members, L to R: Patti Falus, Kim Strabley, Mary Ellen Rosinski, Tanya Galdamez, Caroline Macdonald, Annette Riggs and Maria Wirth
HOF Recipient - John Strabley
Sindo Mayor & Bill Meacham
Chmn. of the Board - Robin Maini
Tuesday night dinner at the Aberdeen Barn
More Convention Highlights:
  • Decision to hold a Euro/Asia IRTA conference in Istanbul, Turkey in late April or May of 2024.
  • An amazing seminar led by two VA Beach hotel conglomerate owners explaining what their purchase needs are from their barter exchange & their inside business strategies that benefit from trade.
  • A seminar on key trade exchange operational matters, credit lines, promissory notes and an up-to-date report from Carol Van Cleef, Esq. on digital currency risks to the U.S. barter industry.
  • The formation new IRTA Committees for U.S. & international growth, artificial intelligence and UC education.
  • A fantastic keynote speech by Iraq War veteran Bob Pizzini.
  • Endless beneficial networking which resulted in increased trading.
IRTA & UC thank all of this year's attendees for their important contribution to the success of the barter industry! We look forward to seeing you all again, and other new attending exchanges, at next year's annual IRTA convention!
For more information about IRTA & UC contact:
Ron Whitney, ron@irta.com, 757-393-2292
Patty Weston, patty@irta.com, 407-951-6797
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ron Whitney
Title: President & CEO
Group: International Reciprocal Trade Association
Dateline: Portsmouth, VA United States
Direct Phone: 757-393-2292
Jump To Ron Whitney -- International Reciprocal Trade Association (Barter) Jump To Ron Whitney -- International Reciprocal Trade Association (Barter)
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