Wednesday, March 19, 2025
The Origin of the Obama Bomb: Trump's
Spreading the Bogus "Birther" Brouhaha.
Foryears Donald Trump mischievously pounded into voters' heads that BarackObama was born in Kenya — not in the U.S. — and therefore ineligible to be president in violation of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Worse, he might even be a dreaded Muslim. A sampling of the Donald's scam rhetoric:
"He (Obama) doesn't have a birth certificate, or if he does, there's something
on that certificate that is very bad for him. Now, somebody told me - and I
have no idea if this is bad for him or not, but perhaps it would be - that where
it says 'religion,' it might have 'Muslim.' And if you're a Muslim, you don't
change your religion, by the way."
—Donald Trump, The Laura Ingraham Show, March 30, 2011.
PresidentObama's extraordinary retribution for the birther fraud was a brilliantassault on Trump's fragile ego. Obama planned his revenge to take placeat the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner at the Washington, D.C. Hilton. There Obama and his victim were surrounded on all sides by 2,500+ members of the nation's glitterati of politics, showbiz and the media... plus 6 million viewers on television. This was the very universe Trump was (and is) desperate to impress and gain respect from. Instead of respect, Obama gleefully made Trump the goat of the evening in a night of boffo laffs at Trump's expense.
A Quickie Personal Aside.
"The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shockproof
shit detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have
had it." —Ernest Hemingway
Ibelieve you'll agree the Hilton evening was a hoot. The audience went nuts with delight and laughter, as we did a home. At the same time the red flag of my Hemingway built-in s**t detector started waving furiouslyin my head. I went to bed and woke up with a deep sense of foreboding. Iwas spot on. Barrack's entertainment so riled Donald Trump — the perennial injured party yet again came across as a bloody idiot. As a result, Trump angrily threw his hat into the presidential ring. And won.
A Sampling of Donald Trump's Unusual Campaign Rhetoric
Americans Have Come to Expect Over the Past Decade;
"I am your retribution," Trump said to crowds of his supporters throughout
the campaign." —The Guardian, March 4, 2023
"I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt
president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire
Biden family. —The New York Times, January 19, 2025
"This will be a time for all citizens of the USA to celebrate! This guy (four-star
general, Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) turned out to be a
Woke train wreck who if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually
dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of
the United States. This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the
punishment would have been DEATH!"
—The Atlantic, September 14, 2024
"In a completely illegal, psychotic order, the deeply conflicted, corrupt, biased
and incompetent Acting Justice Juan Merchan had completely disrespected the
United States Supreme Court, and its Historic Decision on Immunity. But even
without Immunity, this illegitimate case is nothing but a Rigged Hoax. Merchan,
who is a radical partisan, wrote and opinion that is knowingly unlawful, goes
against our Constitution, and, if allowed to stand, would be the end of the
Presidency as we know it."
—Truth Social, @realDonaldTrump, December 17, 2024.
Nuff said here. Okay? —DH
What's Going on Inside President Trumps Head?
His Frenzied Crusade to Become a Dictator... or King.
Illustration by Tim O'Brien for TIME.
Trump's Deep Envy of Dictators
Trump: "Let me just say about world leaders, Viktor Orbán, one of the most respected
men, they call him a strong man. He's a tough person. Smart prime minister of Hungary.
—Ryan Cooper, The American Prospect. Sept. 12, 2024
Trump: (On Kim Jong Un): "We fell in love over beautiful letters."
—John Bacon, USA TODAY, Sept. 30, 2018
Trump: "Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping and Viktor Orbán were at the top of their game whether you like it or not."
—Praveena Somasundram and Frances Vinall, The Washinton Post,, May 24, 2024
Trump: "I love you. You got to get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote."
—Maggie Astor, The New York TImes, July 30,2024
Trump: "CONGESTION PRICING IS DEAD. Manhattan, and all of New York is SAVED," [Trump wrote] "LONG LIVE THE KING!"—The New York Times, Feb. 23, 2025
—Benjamin Oreskes, The New York Times, Feb 23, 2-25
NOTE: Bold Face above is mine. —DH
The First Hundred Days of Bad King Donald's Second Reign
President Donald Trump's mass firings of employees have already begunand are expected to accelerate over the next few weeks with tens of thousands more employees terminated. But the layoffs didn't come out of nowhere.
This week, federal agencies face a deadline to provide Trumpadministration officials with plans for a dramatic downsizing of the nation's more than 2 million federal workers that will occur over the next few months. Along with layoffs, some agencies are expected to indefinitely extend their hiring freezes, eliminate currently vacant positions and consolidate offices to reduce headcount.
A Terrifying Scenario
Ourcountry — once beloved by ourselves and the free and enslaved peoples of the world — is in the deepest distress. At the helm: two power-crazeddictators-in-chief — Donald Trump and Elon Musk.
Apparentlythese peculiar publicity mavens are desperate for eternal notoriety. Toengineer their universal catastrophe they must be in cahoots with theirsycophantic cadre of presidential-pardoned January 6th rioters plus an army of vast additional rabble, mutineers and hangers-on— all hellbent on putting the government and citizenry out of work, pocketing their paychecks savings and Social Security, jailing judges, ignoring the waves of murders, suicides, perpetual poverty, starvation and masses of all ages dying from lack of food, money, climate change, the abandonmentof professional medical care and never-ending financial depressions forthe washed and unwashed. Trump and Musk will eventually die satisfied that their names will be remembered forever — even in infamy. Is this life after death? :)
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A Riveting Rave Review of Denny Hatch's Masterpiece.
By Oluchi Samuel
10 December 2024
An official review of Method Marketing by Denny Hatch.]
5 out of 5 Stars
Tomake a lot of profit, business owners need to understand and employ marketing. As the name implies, Method Marketing by Denny Hatch is a book that educates readers on method marketing. The author also shares the stories of some people who employed method marketing.
Marketingis the business of acquiring customers and continually thrilling them. Method marketing, on the other hand, is the ability to get inside the heads and under the skin of the people you are marketing your product to. Direct mail is the largest advertising medium, and it is the medium alot of method marketers build their businesses on. The author shared the stories of some marketers with huge businesses. These marketers wereFather Bruce Ritter, Martin Edelston, John Peterman, Bill Bonner, Bob Shnayerson, Curt Strohacker, David Oreck, and William Kennedy. They owned businesses like The Boardroom, J. Peterman Company, Agora Publishing, The Eastwood Company, The Oreck Corporation, and Western Monetary Consultants. He shared their stories, how they started their businesses, and he also dropped points for marketers to pick up from their experiences.
This is a wonderful book with lots of great lessons in marketing. I loved that the author shared some successful marketers' experiences. He used these stories to educate us. He discussed how they started their businesses and some of the mistakes they made along the way. These real-life stories made me understand his lessons quite well. I appreciated them. Readers who are planning on venturing into these businesses could learn a great deal from these stories. The author also exposed me to some businesses I hadn't heard ofbefore, like The Teaching Company, Agora Publishing, Quest/77, and The Oreck Company.
Copywriting is a business venture I have been meaning to start. Luckily for me, I got the opportunity to read this book. The author showed the significance of copywriting and also shared tips on how to write a great copy. It gave me insights and taught me howgood a copy should be written. The story of the First Bank of Troy was one of the stories I loved. The president of the bank, Frank O. Brock, operated a customer-friendly business. He paid personal attention to allhis customers. He would go over lists of customers and call or give personal notes to them at least once a month. As a novice in marketing, Iappreciated the appendix the author added at the end of the book. It saved me a lot of trips to the dictionary.
For all these reasons, I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.It is an amazing book that all marketers should read. There was absolutely nothing to dislike. I found one error, showing that it was professionally edited. I recommend it to marketers and people planning on venturing into marketing, as it contains a lot of tips to flourish inmarketing.
Method Marketing by Denny Hatch
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Thank you for the honor of allowing me to spend time with you.
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Denny Hatch