Tuesday, March 18, 2925
Postedby Denny Hatch
The Funniest, Most Lethal, Yet Quietest Blast Guaranteed to Change World History.
The Obama Bomb
The Origin of theObama Bomb Was Trump's
Spreading the Bogus “Birther” Brouhaha.
Foryears Donald Trump mischievously pounded into voters’ heads the lie that Barrack Obama wasborn in Kenya — not in the U.S. — and therefore ineligible to be president inviolation of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. A sample of The Donald’s dirty rhetoric:
“HeObama) doesn’t have a birth certificate, or if he does, there’s something onthat certificate that is very bad for him. Now, somebody told me – and I haveno idea if this is bad for him or not, but perhaps it would be – that where itsays ‘religion,’ it might have ‘Muslim.’ And if you’re a Muslim, you don’tchange your religion, by the way.”
— Donald Trump, The Laura Ingraham Show, March 30, 2011.
President Obama’s unique vengeance for the birther fracas was abrilliant assault on Trump’s fragile ego. Obama planned his retaliation to takeplace at the 2011 black-tie White House Correspondents’ Dinner. There Obama and his roastee were surrounded on all sides by a throng of 3,500+ elite membersof the nation’s glitterati of politics, showbiz and the media... plus 6 millionviewers on television. This was the very universe Trump was (and is) desperateto impress and gain respect from. Instead of respect, Obama gleefully madeTrump the goat of the evening in a night of boffo laffs at The Donald's expense.
To Experience the Power and Hilarity of the Obama Bomb,
Click Here
A Quickie PersonalAside.
“The most essential giftfor a good writer is a built-in, shockproof, shit detector. This is thewriter’s radar and all great writers have had it.” —Ernest Hemingway
I believeyou'll agree the Hilton evening was a hoot. The audience went nuts with delightand laughter, as did we at home.
At the same time the red flag of my Hemingway built-indetector started waving furiously in my head. I went to bed and woke up with adeep sense of dread. I was spot on. Barack so riled DonaldTrump — the perennial victim who yet again came off as a bloody idiot — that Trump ran for president (for the third time) purely for revenge — and won.
Donald Trump in His Own Vicious, Nutty Words:
“I am yourretribution,” Trump said to crowds of his supportersthroughout the campaign.
—TheGuardian, March 4, 2023
“I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after themost corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, JoeBiden, and the entire Biden crime family.”
—The New York Times, Jan. 19, 2025.
“This will be a time for all citizensof the USA to celebrate! This guy (four-star Army general Mark Milley,Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) turned out to be a Woke train wreckwho, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China togive them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States.This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would havebeen DEATH!”
—The Atlantic, September 14, 2024.
“In a completely illegal, psychoticorder, the deeply conflicted, corrupt, biased, and incompetent Acting JusticeJuan Merchan has completely disrespected the United States Supreme Court, andits Historic Decision on Immunity. But even without Immunity, this illegitimatecase is nothing but a Rigged Hoax. Merchan, who is a radical partisan, wrote anopinion that is knowingly unlawful, goes against our Constitution, and, ifallowed to stand, would be the end of the Presidency as we know it.”
—Truth Social, @realDonaldTrump,December 17, 2024.
Let's move on. Okay? —DH
What Goes on Inside President Trump’s Head?
His Frenzied Fury to Become a Dictator... or King
Illustration by Tim O’Brienfor TIME
"Trump Wants to Be President for Life —
And He’s AlreadyPreparing for It."
—Michael Tomasky, The New Republic. February 24, 2025
About Trump’sDeep and Sincere Love for Dictators
“Let me just say about world leaders,Viktor Orbán, one of the most respected men, they call him a strong man. He's atough person. Smart prime minister of Hungary.”
—Ryan Cooper, The American Prospect. Sept.12, 2024
[On KimJong Un]: ‘We fell in love’ over beautiful letters.”
—JohnBacon, USA TODAY, Sept. 30, 2018
“Vladimir Putin, KimJong Un, Xi Jinping and Viktor Orbán were at the top of their game, whether you like it ornot”.
—PraveenaSomasundaram and Frances Vinall, The Washington Post May 24, 2024
“Ilove you. You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to voteagain. WE'LL HAVE IT FIXED SO GOOD YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE TO VOTE.
—Maggie Astor, New York Times, July 30, 2024.
“Congestion pricing is dead. Manhattan, and all of New York, is SAVED,” [Trump] wrote.“LONG LIVE THE KING!”
— Benjamin Oreskes, The New York Times, Feb 23, 2025
The First Hundred Days of Bad KingDonald’s Reign.
Mass Federal Workforce Cuts: What Has Happened So Far
President Donald Trump's mass firings of employees have already begun and areexpected to accelerate over the next few weeks with tens of thousands moreemployees terminated. But the layoffs didn't come out of nowhere.
This week, federal agencies face a deadline toprovide Trumpadministration officials with plans for a reduction in force, a dramaticdownsizing of the nation's more than 2 million federal workers that will occurover the next few months. Along with layoffs, some agencies are expected toindefinitely extend their hiring freezes, eliminate currently vacant positionsand consolidate offices as ways to reduce headcount.
Guided by billionaire Elon Musk and his Department Of Government Efficiency aids, Trump has spent his first eight weeks in officefocused on dismantling the federal government, including shutting down and laying off staff of the United States Agency forInternational Development and taking off steps to do the same to the Consumer Financial ProtectionBureau. Trump has also begun dismantling the Department of Education withcuts to about half of its workforce.
—SarahD. Wire, USA TODAY
Trump has taken over the richest, most powerful country the world has ever known and is running every facet of her single handed as Dictator-in-Chief. He must be giddy knowing his name will be remembered forever.