Home > NewsRelease > 21 State Chairmen Sought to Lead 2020 GOP Grassroots Movement in Key Battleground State
21 State Chairmen Sought to Lead 2020 GOP Grassroots Movement in Key Battleground State
Carol M. Swain  -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator Carol M. Swain -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator
Nashville, TN
Thursday, March 5, 2020


21 State Chairmen Sought to Lead 2020 GOP

Grassroots Movement in Key Battleground States

March 5, 2020


AUSTIN, Tex. – The Mighty American Strike Force (MASF) is an all-volunteer grassroots movement set to deploy for the Fall 2020 campaign to help Republicans win back the House and retain control of the Senate and White House. The organization is now accepting applications for 21 State Chairman positions. Those selected will serve throughout early voting and during the 15 critical days before the Nov. 3 presidential general election.

A State Chairman is sought for each of the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, and Vermont. The MASF's goal in 2020 is to recruit more than 5,000 volunteers from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, to deploy to approximately 13 battleground states. The MASF was founded in 1999 during George W. Bush's first run for the presidency.

Among the duties of an MASF chairman are Identifying and selecting key personnel to assist his or her volunteer recruitment efforts – to include a deputy chairman, recruitment coordinator, finance chairman, team leaders, and volunteers to work both in the chairman's home state and in battleground states. Chairmen also will coordinate the training of volunteers in conjunction with the Republican National Committee. Duties for other volunteers include block walking, phone bank operations, social networking and managing political rallies.

The ideal State Chairman candidate will have excellent organizational, written and oral communication skills, and he or she must be able to multi-task, recruit and motivate a team, and work as needed on nights and weekends. Experience should include five or more years working as a campaign manager, volunteer coordinator, or media spokesperson. All State Chairman positions are voluntary but some reimbursement of expenses is allowed.

For more information, contact Rick Potter at (512) 694-6848 or email a resume to  rick.potter@mightyamericanstrikeforce.org

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Name: Dr. Carol M. Swain
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Group: Carol M. Swain Enterprises, LLC
Dateline: Brentwood, TN United States
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