Home > NewsRelease > 3 Things Tech-Savvy People Do That You Don’t
3 Things Tech-Savvy People Do That You Don’t
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Friday, February 16, 2024


What are the (very important!) 3 things the tech-savvy people do that you don’t?

This is really important.

If you ask these tech-savvy questions that smart people do, you will not only save a lot of time, money and energy, but your results will be far better in business.

Hey there, it’s Terry Brock here, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to another episode of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs.

In this episode, my co-host Gina Carr and I are going to tackle a topic that’s on everyone’s minds – buying new tech.

We’ll be diving into the challenges of navigating the ever-changing world of gadgets and gizmos, and sharing insights on the 3 key questions you should be asking yourself before making that next tech purchase.

This is what tech-savvy people are doing regularly that can help you in your decisions.

So grab your favorite beverage, get comfortable, and join us as we explore practical strategies for making informed decisions in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship.

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Here are some helpful Time Stamps
1. [00:00:40]: Terry introduces the 3 key questions to ask before buying new technology, as suggested by Anne Handley.
2. [00:02:35]: Gina discusses the overwhelm and paralysis caused by the fear of missing out on the latest tech, leading to wasted time and resources.
3. [00:03:42]: Gina shares her frustration with a new scheduling system that doesn’t fulfill all the functions she needs, leading to feelings of being out of the loop.
4. [00:04:56]: Terry emphasizes the importance of boosting the effectiveness of programs in measurable, specific ways when considering new technology.
5. [00:09:52]: Gina explains how they switched to an all-in-one software, Kartra, to simplify their business operations, which has been a successful decision.
6. [00:11:51]: Terry and Gina discuss the importance of new technology triggering deeper, sustainable connections for building stronger relationships and alliances.
7. [00:13:31]: Terry and Gina reaffirm the philosophy of making decisions about new technology with a “hell yes” or “hell no” approach for successful outcomes.

We’re Stark Raving Entrepreneurs. We help you with the lifestyle of “Live and Let Live.” Do whatever you want, but don’t hurt others and don’t take their stuff. We embrace what is called the “Non-Aggression Principle” (NAP).

For your convenience here are some time stamps of note-worthy content for this episode:

Hall of Fame keynote speaker Terry Brock is a globally connected leading authority who works with organizations that want to leverage technology and social media for more customer engagement, productivity, and increased profitability.

Terry is the former Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype, former Editor-in-Chief for AT&T’s Networking Exchange blog, and former Chief Retail Advisor for ACE Hardware.

A master at his craft, Terry earned the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association and was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. He was inducted into the Virtual Speakers Hall of Fame and he was recognized as a Legend by the Veteran Speakers Association.

Terry is also a Cavett Award recipient, recognized as the National Speakers Association’s “most cherished” award (only one per year).

As the CEO of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, Gina Carr works with business leaders to leverage AI-powered marketing for more impact, influence, and income. Gina has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and an engineering degree from Georgia Tech. Known as “The Tribe Builder,” Gina helps passionate people build powerful tribes of raving fans.

A serial entrepreneur, Gina has created several businesses, including an award-winning real estate company, a chain of community magazines, and Video Rock Starz. She is the CEO of TEDxDupreePark. A native Atlantan, Gina now lives in Orlando with her sweetie Terry Brock. Gina is a passionate advocate for animals, freedom, and plant-based living!

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We look forward to hearing from you and getting your opinions and thoughts. Drop us a note at Terry@TerryBrock.com or Gina@GinaCarr.com.

Thank you for joining us today.
Terry Brock & Gina Carr


For your convenience, here is a summary in Spanish:

Este episodio explora tres preguntas clave a considerar al comprar tecnología. Terry Brock y Gina Carr destacan la importancia de evaluar si la tecnología resuelve un problema específico, si mejora la efectividad de programas de manera medible y si fomenta conexiones más profundas y sostenibles. Discuten ejemplos personales y consideran el impacto de la facilidad de aprendizaje, el soporte, el precio y la comunidad al tomar decisiones de compra. Además, subrayan la importancia de tener una actitud de “sí rotundo” o “no” al considerar nuevas adquisiciones tecnológicas. También comparten recursos y herramientas tecnológicas útiles para los emprendedores.


For your convenience, here is a transcript (unedited) to help. Please let us know if this helps you:

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
Do you ever feel overwhelmed and confused with all the gadgets, the gizmos, and the really cool tech that’s out there that you see each day? And do you worry, okay. I’m gonna be left behind if I don’t get into this. Well, we’re gonna give you something that’s gonna help because in this episode, we’re gonna tell you 3 key things. We’re gonna help you now and in the future. This is what tech savvy people are doing, and you wanna be sure that you do this. And stay tuned to the end of this episode because we’ve got a golden question that you’re gonna be able to use to filter all kinds of things on this and make sure you’re getting the results that you want. Wanna talk you to something we saw just a little while ago. I was reading a wonderful newsletter that I get from Anne Handley.

Terry Brock [00:00:40]:
Anne Handley is a marvelous author and person I’ve heard as a speaker. Really like her stuff. She got a news I’d encourage you to sign up for called Total Anarchy and get into how she spells that, a n n a r c h y, anarchy. And she said something that I thought was just brilliant. When you’re trying to face a decision and so I think, should I buy this technology? Should I not? What should we do? She gave Three questions that you can ask that are really good. Here they are. So first of all, does it solve a problem? What problem is it solving? There’s gotta be a reason why you’re getting it. Secondly, boost the effectiveness of our programs in measurable specific ways.

Terry Brock [00:01:14]:
Is it doing that? Is it gonna help us boost that measurable specific ways I think is important. We’re gonna go into these in-depth. And does it trigger deeper, sustainable connections? That is so important that you have the connections to others, and you use all of that. So we’re gonna show you a step by step how to do it, what can be done. And when I say we, I mean me and my partner, Gina Carr. Gina, why are questions Like this so important when we’re dealing with technology, making decisions on equipment. It might be software. It could be SaaS.

Terry Brock [00:01:44]:
It could be all of that. Why are these questions important?

Gina Carr [00:01:47]:
Well, I think people are in such a state of overwhelm that they know they need tools to do their work Better, cheaper, faster to get more things done in less time and to do them more effectively. And there’s So many options out there. I think people are often asking, should I do this? Should I do that? And there’s this big fear of, Oh, I’m missing out because I don’t have the latest tech. I don’t have the latest new tool that I need. I know that I’m going through this Constantly myself. And so I end up in this paralysis because there’s this situation where, I I think I need an upgrade here, But there’s so many options to consider. I don’t know which one would be better. I don’t know if it’d be better than what I currently am using.

Gina Carr [00:02:35]:
And so It’s a little frustrating. It’s it’s a it’s very frustrating, and it can definitely cause a business to spend a lot of time, money, and effort Without a good return.

Terry Brock [00:02:44]:
Yeah. And, Gina, matter of fact, I wanna get specific on this. You something I know you’re working on right now is a scheduling system. You’ve got it, but you’re not really thrilled with this. Tell us a little bit about because I think people will be able to relate to that with their own situation.

Gina Carr [00:02:57]:
Yes. Well, recently, the scheduling system I was using, It it was expiring and I thought, I need to see what else is out there. And so I did subscribe to a new service and I’m testing it, But it doesn’t do all the things my old service did. I thought it did. It does some things a little bit better and different, but it doesn’t do some of the things that I really liked with the old service. And in particular, it doesn’t provide really good follow-up for me to be able to connect with the With whoever’s scheduling the appointment with me, which appointments are very important in business, it doesn’t provide the proper follow-up for me or For for the the client or for me. And so I end up being frustrated and not feeling like I’m in the loop like I need to be.

Terry Brock [00:03:42]:
Yeah. And that can be really, really tough. And so what we’ve gotta do is we gotta look at, does it solve a problem? I think that’s the key. It’s gotta solve a specific problem that we say, okay. I need to get a resolution on this thing. I need to get this thing working just right for me, and I need to, work with it. Now if we look at the 2nd question that she offered. Gina, that’s even more important.

Terry Brock [00:04:03]:
It’s does it boost the effectiveness of your programs in measurable specific ways? I love those words. Measurable specific ways. Hey. You’re an engineer, and you know about the importance of engineering and the specificity on that. I think there’s some key factors here, identifying key performance indicators, things like sales. Does it affect your outbound calls? Does it affect the cost of goods? All of these are important to understand, and you have to ID the key variables in each business and what’s there. I think that’s gonna be very important. And there are other things we can look at is to say, okay.

Terry Brock [00:04:37]:
Show me the actual results of this new tech is gonna help us to build the business. And so I think those are gonna be really important. Gina, your thoughts on that as we look at buying these new items and looking at the key performance indicators that are important in it boosting ultimately, boosting the effectiveness that we have.

Gina Carr [00:04:56]:
Well, in today’s world, you want To really personalize the marketing that that people are receiving, the marketing that you’re sending out. And so one of the ways to do that is with an email system, an onboarding system for your people who are new subscribers to really focus in on their specific interest, Their level of success, their level of let’s say, for example, our clients are business clients. So what is their level of business? Are they beginner? Are they intermediate? Are they advanced business owners? And so with that, one of the software that we’re pieces of software that we’re considering is A tool that would allow us to really let people self grade, self judge themselves, and self, identify So that we can follow-up with more customized emails. And so that’s one of the tools that would really allow us to have a very specific measurable, result by reaching out to people the way they wanna re be reached out to with a customized message, they’re much more likely to do business with us.

Terry Brock [00:06:00]:
Yeah. Absolutely. It goes back to personalization and even hyper personalization that we can do now with AI. It gives us that ability. But when you’re looking it’s something that’s going to be in business. I think too often, particularly those of us that are, working with not a large staff, we’re not a large corporation, we’re looking at things. Okay. It will be nice.

Terry Brock [00:06:18]:
I’ll get that. But I think sometimes we gotta look at it and think about, okay, what if we were there in the penthouse of a big building in a major city, and we’re there with seated at the conference table and all the accountants are around us. The accounts are there and they’re going, okay. What kind of return are we gonna get on what kind of return on investment? Show us the results. And I think if you have that mentality in mind, we can do a whole lot better as we move forward with as we start looking at the various features that are there. Gina, any other factors considered that you think go into, when you’re going to buy similar software or hardware or any other type of business equipment.

Gina Carr [00:06:57]:
Well, thinking about this criteria And thinking about my scheduling system for example. If I had a scheduling system that was working better, I would have more productive meetings Because I would know more about the people that I’m meeting with. I would have fewer missed meetings because I would have gotten those all important notifications that I want. And ultimately, I’d be able to make more money because I was having better meetings and all these things would be set up. And That that’s an example where I really would like to have another system. Now I can I can initiate some workarounds, But that’s one of the reasons that you go with a new piece of software is because you don’t have to initiate additional systems? You have it all there right in one that you can do everything you need to do easily.

Terry Brock [00:07:45]:
You know, Gina, I really like the way you’re putting that. It’s Can you get what you need done very easily in one? That is important. You know, some other considerations that I’ve seen, Gina, I’d appreciate your, input on this and what I think I think we have to look at when we’re looking at, say, a new software or maybe a new application that we’re going to get. We hear this new whizbang AI tool is out there. Should we go with that? Well, number 1, I would say, what will it accomplish? What’s it supposed to do? And then the difficulty in learning. This is something that people don’t often Think about if something is gonna have a real steep learning curve, that’s a cost in business. It’s a cost in your money, in your time, in your energy, bringing in extra people for training, etcetera. Think about how difficult something is to learn versus the capability it has.

Terry Brock [00:08:26]:
But here’s one that I think is really important, the support level. When you’re buying a new system, a new software, a new SaaS, a new equipment, whatever it is, what kind of support are you gonna pick up the phone and call them. Literally, a phone. Get your cell phone. Call up their support and see what it’s like. Find out if they’re right there or if they’re not. And if you don’t need it, then it’s not a big factor. And, of course, price is always a consideration.

Terry Brock [00:08:50]:
We wanna look at the price of what it’s gonna do. And then we also wanna consider looking at the community, the community at large, say, the society. What other stakeholders are involved when you’re doing it? So these are some factors that are in there. Gina, any other thoughts on that before we move on to number 3?

Gina Carr [00:09:06]:
Well, as we’re considering these different factors, it’s reminding me why we made the Switch years ago to a software and all in one software called Kartra, k a r t r a, which we use and love And we’re affiliates for. So if you’re interested in it, please, look down below. We’ll put the Kartra affiliate link down there. But it’s an all in one System that makes our lives so much easier because it has the shopping cart and the email support and our membership program and Products and coupons and affiliates. It really has everything, and so that’s something that you wanna want to look at. It wasn’t difficult to learn. It accomplished many of the things that we were spending money on separate systems having to integrate them to make them work together. So That’s and and it was reasonably priced.

Gina Carr [00:09:52]:
So I think that’s a great example of applying your criteria to a software Decision that we made years ago that we’ve been very happy with.

Terry Brock [00:10:01]:
Yeah. I think so. Karcher is one that when I first got into it, it’s a little bit difficult, but I found As I got used to it, it was good, and now it’s the system. So there’s others that are out there that are good, some that have features that are even better. Well, It’s okay, but we know this one. And I think that’s what you gotta find is the right software. Like, for instance, I’ve mentioned often, Cast Magic. I work with Cast Magic.

Terry Brock [00:10:19]:
I find it’s got some really good support. It’s got really good features for those of us that are producing podcasts, producing YouTube videos, and we’ve had several videos on that here on this channel. So it is a good tool look at. OpusClip, another one that we use that we find is good for repurposing, putting that out there. But these are just a few of the things that are out there and what’s going to be, available. But now, I like this last one. And, Gina, I wanna get your thoughts on it. The third thing that Anne Handley talked out here was does this new purchase trigger deeper sustainable connections? And you might think, what do you mean connection? How does that have to do with everything? Well, it has to do with everything because relationship marketing is critical.

Terry Brock [00:11:01]:
This is you building those alliances with others, making sure that others are with you, that you’re able to work with them, helping them, giving them the kind of assistance that they need, and then making sustainable connections. I’ve really talked about that and the importance of not only the relationships with customers, but also with your employees, with the staff? If you’re hiring contractors like many of us are today, does this help on that? What’s about the effect of, suppliers that you you have. Is it going to make ramifications there? Sometimes we were depending on them. And then also, anyone else that might be involved. I think what we’ve gotta do is look at What can we do to build better, stronger relationships? And I think that’s the key. Gina, as you look at it with that new scheduling system you that you Think about how would that help in improving better connections, better relationships.

Gina Carr [00:11:51]:
Well, certainly, if I had that new scheduling system, I’d be better prepared for My meetings. And that in itself would help to trigger those deeper sustainable connections. And certainly, this is something, your Entire career has been built on how to leverage technology for the stronger business relationships. So, This is exactly what you’ve been talking about, and you and I are constantly in our programs, our Start Craving Entrepreneurs programs, talking about How people can use different types of technology. Of course, we’re very focused on anything AI related today for business owners. And so that’s been a big focus of ours right now, and AI is really helping people develop these strong relationships.

Terry Brock [00:12:38]:
Oh, yeah. Absolutely. So there you have it. Those 3 things are gonna be really important as you make decisions on should we buy this tech or not, this can be a good tool to help you with it. Oh, and by the way, Gina, remember we said we were gonna have a super duper question that are gonna be either actually, one way or another. And I think there’s a the question would be, if we buy this new thing, whatever it is, is it software? Is equipment that adds SAS a new service, a new supplier, whatever it is, I think you have to come to a point where you say either hell yes or hell no. One or the other. It can’t be something like, well, we’ll try a little bit because when it’s a major decision I’m talking about the major decision, not buying something real insignificant.

Terry Brock [00:13:20]:
But when it is, you gotta look at it and say, absolutely, we want this one, or we absolutely do not want this one. And I think that’s a good way to do it. Gina, how’s that philosophy worked out for

Gina Carr [00:13:31]:
you. Well, I apply that to a lot of areas of my life, a meeting across town or a trip that I’m thinking of going on. And to the extent that I can say, if it’s not a heck yes, then it’s a heck no. And That’s that’s served me well as a good rule of thumb.

Terry Brock [00:13:48]:
Yeah. Absolutely. But so these are important. And as you work with these, we’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think about because we’re here to help you. A matter of fact, we got some goodies for you here. We’re available at Stark Raving Entrepreneurs. Find out about the programs that we have to help you build your business as an entrepreneur.

Terry Brock [00:14:06]:
Just bounce over there and take a peek because we offer these programs on a regular basis. Matter of fact, we have weekly meetings for our members and we open up up often for the public. So take a look at that and see what’s available out there, and we’ve got some goodies for you here. Matter of fact, here are some tools that we talk about and you can find out about it at aitools4, the number 4, b I z.com. Aitools forbiz.com. Learn about chat GPT, about Canva, how you can use that. There’s some amazing things we can do with that. DALL E 3 is their latest version.

Terry Brock [00:14:40]:
Very, very nice. OpenAI has that as well as ChatGPT. And there’s Lexica Art is a good tool for that. Yoodly is one you really want if you’re making presentations. Yoodly is a tool that gives you the ability to reach out and improve your speech as a speech coach. And it also is stable we also have stable diffusion We talk about really good things there. So you can use that. You’ve got a a QR code here if you’re catching this on video that you can shoot right there.

Terry Brock [00:15:09]:
It’ll take you over. There’s no charge for this, just us helping you out. So, Gina, as we get ready to slow down here and move along, any final words and questions that you think would be good as we’re choosing tech as a tool.

Gina Carr [00:15:22]:
Well, I think that we shared a number of thoughts. I’d like to hear from our viewers. Hey. Let us know in the comments below. What questions are you asking yourself as you are choosing new tech tools, software, whatever it is, Things that are, gonna make your life better. What are the questions that you are applying? Do you like the ones that we shared, or do you have your own? Please share those below. We we’ll read the Comments, and we’d love to know.

Terry Brock [00:15:49]:
Yes. And we read every comment. We wanna hear from you and look forward to it. And so thanks for joining us, but we’ve got some goodies for you. Matter of fact, right here, we’ve carefully selected a couple other videos that are just right for you to continue on this journey. I’m Terry Brock for Gina Carr. Thank you very much for joining us today.

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Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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