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4 Places to Look for Fashion Inspiration
Deborah Boland -- Image Consultant -- Over 40 Style Expert Deborah Boland -- Image Consultant -- Over 40 Style Expert
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Have you finally reached the point where you just can't stand it anymore? You hate all your clothes, nothing seems to suit you, and you get frustrated just thinking of an outfit to wear on any given day. Then it's time to overhaul your wardrobe – decide what you can work with and throw out what you hate. The first question is where to begin?

As you start your journey towards a whole new you, it can be very hard to pinpoint your unique style, especially after having shied away from fashion for so long. Style is what defines you, what shows your character and personality to the world. What you put on your body says a lot about you. So, what do you want your wardrobe to say about you?

There are many places to gain inspiration and motivation. Here are some great jumping off points to get you to zero in on what you love and want:

1) Fashion magazines and catalogues:

Ignore the skinny, air-brushed supermodels who make you feel enormous. Instead, pay attention to what they are selling. What style, color or accessory catches your eye? Are there any items that you are particularly drawn to? Pull out your favorite pictures, and keep them in a binder. You'll start to see a pattern emerge of your likes and dislikes.

2) People on the street

Have you ever passed a woman on the street who you think looks totally fab? Have you ever wondered where she got that chic coat, or that sharp suit? Well, now is your opportunity to ask. Women love getting compliments and talking about their clothes, so don't be afraid to ask her where she got it. You may get some great ideas about where to shop!

3) Stores

It's easy to fall into a rut. You can get into a ritual where you shop at the same store every time you go out, and end up buying the same thing. Ever wonder why everything in your wardrobe looks the same? It might not be a problem with your purchases; it might just be your favorite stores! So mix it up and start patronizing locations you wouldn't normally go, like that upscale boutique downtown, or that hip new place everyone's been talking about. By keeping an open mind, you will be exposed to new looks and new ideas.

4) All around you

Are you inspired by nature? Do you like an urban, industrial look? Is there one color that you naturally gravitate toward? Being aware of what catches your eye is important to forming your sense of style. Jot down your impressions and keep them with the magazine pages in your fashion binder.

As you start to explore the world around you from a fashion perspective, a certain style persona will eventually emerge. You can weave together your inspirations and begin picking out items that personify you.

Deborah Boland and JoJami Tyler (The Glam Gals) are Image and Style Experts specializing in helping women 40 plus look and feel fabulous. They are the authors of the book, The Glam Plan~ 12 Simple Steps to Take You from Frumpy to Fabulous, & Tweak Your Chic- Dressing the Mother of the Bride, as well as coaches for their Tweak Your Chic™, Image make-over program. For more style tips visit: www.fabulousafter40.com and sign up for their bi-weekly newsletter. You can also contact them at: info@fabulousafter40.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Deborah Boland
Title: Over 40 Style Expert
Group: www.fabulousafter40.com
Dateline: Toronto, ON Canada
Direct Phone: 905 466-4406
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