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5 Reasons Why it Rocks to be Cause Marketing PR Specialist
Jon Paul -- Cause Marketing PR Venture Group Jon Paul -- Cause Marketing PR Venture Group
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Kansas City, MO
Monday, October 2, 2017


The Career: Cause Marketing PR Specialist

Notice how it is referred to as ‘The Career’? Here there are no disappointments whatsoever. We do not give you a list of options, this is the number one option that you should be considering as your career, and I will be telling you why.
As a PR specialist, you will have an array of workplaces to choose from; here the waters run deep, so job assurance is guaranteed. Examples of workplaces include:.
• Public Relations Firms
• The Government
• Government Agencies
• Marketing Firms
• Businesses and Companies
• Working for public officials as their PIOs (Public Information Officers)
• Working for nongovernmental organizations
• Working for nonprofit organizations
When looking for a Cause Marketing PR job, one should know that it differs from advertising, even if it is a form of marketing communication. The primary aim of a Cause Marketing PR Specialist is informing the general public, partners, investors, prospective customers, other stakeholders, and employees and conclusively sway them to maintain a certain view of the organization. This view can be retained for the organization’s leadership, political decisions, or products.
A Cause Marketing PR Specialist will never be bored while performing their duties. This is because the job is so versatile that you will take on activities that you never dreamt of, and they will totally engage you until you fall in love with them.

Some of the activities carried out by a Cause Marketing PR Specialist may include:

? Spearheading the designing of different communication campaigns
? Working with the press
? Preparing clients for speeches, media interviews and press conferences
? Organizing interviews for company spokespeople
? Speaking to public officials and in public while acting as a spokesperson for an organization
? Drafting speeches for the leaders of the organizations and companies you work for
? Coming up with the right content for social media and company website
? Acting as a facilitator of internal communications
? Being a manager of the company’s reputation
? Coming up with news releases and any other content that may be used for news and feature articles
? Marketing company activities such as event management and brand awareness

Cause Marketing PR Specialist – Dream, Create, Achieve

A Cause Marketing PR Specialist acts as the dreamer in the organization. Cause Marketing PR Specialists are also the
creators of these dreams. Achieving these goals is a team effort. Cause Marketing is a potentially profitable initiative undertaken by a for-profit organization in a bid to raise awareness, consumer participation, and funds in an environmental or social cause. That is the dream part of it all. Next follows the creation part where the organization works tirelessly to achieve its potential.

A Cause Marketing PR Specialist creates the dream through:

1. Ensuring the organization carefully chooses and vets their partner charity, and ties it back to their brand’s community
2. Coming up with a Cause Marketing campaign and ensuring the organization supports and sponsors events that will bring awareness to this campaign
3. Ensuring there is press coverage of the Cause Marketing campaign
4. Ensuring employees are involved. Employees are the backbone of the business, and their involvement is essential to achieving the organization’s milestones
5. Using social media to promote the Cause Marketing campaign will give it an extra boost

Benefits of a Well Executed Cause Marketing Campaign

When a Cause Marketing campaign is carried out well, both the nonprofit organization and the business involved are going to benefit fully. It is a win-win situation for these two parties. The benefits include:
I. Creating brand awareness for both the not-for-profit organization and the for-profit business.
II. Both the business and the organization will be exposed to new audiences
III. An increase in the number of sales will be seen
IV. An increase in the organization’s capability to attract and retain customers
V. An increase in the organization’s capability to attract and retain employees

5 Reasons why it Rocks to be a Cause Marketing PR Specialist


1. Creating a Brand for Yourself

A Cause Marketing PR Specialist acts as the face of an individual or organization. The Cause Marketing PR Specialist articulates the official views and objectives of the organization or individual on issues that are relevant to the media. In so doing, the Cause Marketing PR Specialist is exposed to the public eye thereby marketing the skills they have without themselves knowing. This kind of exposure will create a brand for you, and you will find other corporations seeking your opinion on particular issues.

2. Enhancing your Skills

From the activities mentioned earlier, one can clearly see that a Cause Marketing PR Specialist is a Jack of All Trades. A PR professional will be all over the place trying to create an image for their employer. It will not take long for one to start seeing that they can undertake other careers and excel. With the skills gained, one can pursue careers in politics, media and even in teaching institutions.

3. Self-Employment

The Cause Marketing PR field is getting larger each coming day with newer innovations happening. This means that people who have gathered enough skill in the fields can branch out on their own. Once you go out there, you will find a lot of lucrative job opportunities as a consultant. These days, most corporations are outsourcing their Cause Marketing PR functions. These organizations rely on outside agencies or consultants to handle their needs.

4. Making More Money

Now this depends on the effort you put as a Cause Marketing PR Specialist. If you toil for the business or organization in a bid to improve customer relations thereby widening its market, then you are going to take full advantage from these efforts. More customers mean more sales, and more sales mean more money for the business. The business is going to reward these efforts through salary increments and other incentives that ensure you will not be leaving them for their competitors.

5. Job Assurance

This is the only career that one you are assured of retaining come rain, come shine. If you work hard enough, every other corporation will be out to get your expertise.
Cause Marketing PR Specialists are all about thinking, saying, and doing, without leaving any margin for errors.
If you need me to customize this on your business.  Contact me here.
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Name: Jon Paul | PR Guy
Title: Digital Nomad
Group: Cause Marketing PR Venture Group
Dateline: Kansas City, MO United States
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