Wednesday, January 8, 2025

I am amazed this is the 5th anniversary as World Mother. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. It has not been an easy journey but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. What a ride!
When considering the position of World Mother, I was told there was no going back and that I would always be tied to Earth if I took it. Here we are five years later, and what a journey it has been so far.
Although I consulted with several individuals before deciding, they couldn’t assure me what to expect. After three spiritual-healing sessions with two colleagues to help me prepare, I took a leap of faith and merged with the avatar of World Mother, a being created and prepared in spirit.
After my friend told me people were waiting for World Mother, it felt like it would be me since I had been taking care of the world through spiritual healing global issues undermining humanity and the planet for years.
When my friend added that Kuan Yin visited the chosen when she was 12, I asked Kuan Yin and my high self if that were true, and they confirmed she had visited me at that age. It then made sense to me why, as a teenager, I felt responsible for the world, which didn’t make sense to me at that age.
Although the job duties weren’t spelled out for me, they unfolded quickly. Within a couple of weeks, a colleague was enrolled as World Son. Together, we began spiritually healing every project introduced to us. Working directly with Source and our guides from across the veil filled our days.
Over the last five years, we cleared countless fallen angels, demons, Annunaki, extraterrestrials, and others. We were presented with numerous historical events and cleared their negative energies, imbalances, and karma.
We participated in the meetings to make decisions that benefit the planet and humanity. Most of the time, our choice was to turn everything over to Source, which was the highest aspect of all. As Source had the purest love and greatest awareness, who would know better?
This made the most sense because in clearing history when I got to the causal level of the problem, it always seemed arrogance was the culprit. Those who thought they knew better than Source, usually ended up with diminished results. Out of those diminished results came karma. I also discovered that many who tried to fix their errors often did so without consulting Source. That also could lead to diminished results. So, the obvious answer was to turn everything over to infinite intelligence.
The Role of World Mother
The role of World Mother fit naturally with my life mission of turning dark to light and helping all reach the highest light. I had already been rectifying the errors of the past, cleaning up the mess we made in this world of duality and experimentation.
I was honored and privileged to be chosen for the role and grateful I seized the opportunity. It has been extraordinary to learn directly from and work with Source and his team of archangels, ascended masters, and the numerous councils helping make the right decisions to benefit all.
The Universe depends on our ascension into this new golden age, and what happens here impacts all. The opportunity to make an even bigger difference was purposeful and exciting but extremely time-consuming and exhausting.
We are working toward a positive outcome for all. Clearing the errors and imbalances of the past helps everyone move forward more quickly. Clearing darkness alone can be exhausting. Facing the evil operating behind the scenes can be overwhelming if not frightening.
I am grateful for the enormous support I have received during this journey. There are countless individuals and teams on the other side supporting this endeavor to restore peace and balance. And many on the planet serve in the way they are guided to help bring forth the new golden age. I couldn’t have done this without their support.
We spent 3 to 8 hours a day for years on this project. I personally often lived in fight or flight when spiritual warfare was more common. Fortunately, it is now more about cleaning up the dark and its aftermath than battling it.
Heaven on Earth
Since we opened Heaven on Earth on March 30, 2013, the highest light or Source has been running our planet. Since then, the light has gotten a stronger hold, helping people and the planet ascend. A bright future awaits all who embrace the light while giving up the past that no longer serves them.
For the first time in years, I am returning to have a more personal life and more balance for myself. I’m no longer on call 24/7 as I was for emergencies. When Archangel Michael first approached me in 2004, asking me to join him in a healing practice, my life was no longer my own. I was at his beck and call while we addressed darkness and evil and made corrections throughout history where the errors diminished the results.
We cleared the causes of war, martyrdom, oppression, slavery, and much of the darkness undermining all sectors of life, business, education, and religion. When you remove the dark leadership undermining all and clear the imbalances created at the time, you then have a fighting chance to rebalance and correct the issues negatively affecting all.
Although I continue to address apparent world issues or those affecting the masses as inspired and guided, I am not interrupted regularly to handle emergencies or requests from the other side for my assistance.
Now, I can return to business and be paid for this work. I now have the time to help those affected by those errors made throughout history. And I can focus on helping those who have personal trauma and drama to overcome.
Because darkness has run the planet for so long, the ancestral programming and past-life karma continue to undermine people.
Archangel Michael
When Archangel Michael first asked me to join him in a healing practice, we could clear negative history, memories, karma, and limiting beliefs that diminished people’s results because of that past through the clients guided to me. But, during those years, we were also dealing with spiritual warfare on a global basis. That interference made the work quite tedious and sometimes dangerous.
But, we have surpassed that dynamic. The battle is behind me; now it is more about cleaning up the damage created. The darkest leadership operating behind the scenes have been removed, but the programming, greed, and ego-operating remain. So, there is still a lot of work to do. The more that is lifted and released, the easier life will become for all.
I am looking forward to celebrating this 5th anniversary with the gentlemen who supported me in taking on the role. The one, World Son, also can now step back into his life with his family. The other, who I am grateful to for helping me repair from battle. I am reminded of one such occasion when I was guided to call him after moving Lucifer’s family to the light. I had 80 barbs in my field from that hit, and he graciously removed them all.
I now know why I was told when I was little that I wouldn’t die this lifetime. The darkness tried taking me out of the game three times before working with Michael. And I almost lost my life ten times after taking up this role of cleaning up the darkness. Maybe now I can begin to relax a little and enjoy what life I have left. I am grateful to have survived the battle with darkness.
And, for those thinking, it looks dark out there. These are just the remnants and evidence of the darkness that operated behind the scenes. The more who awaken to the light and begin making better choices, the quicker the rest will rebalance. That cannot happen soon enough.
Another word of advice, however, before I close. Those who awaken to seeing darkness and demons know that these dynamics must be cleared from within. Do not become frightened and give your power over to it. Clear it by forgiving it within or by seeing someone like myself, as a spiritual healer, identify and release these things. Not every spiritual healer clears darkness; for some of us, it has been a specialty. But, the faster it is removed from within, where it might be stuck in old memories, patterns, and programs, the more energies can be lifted and improved.
In closing, I am looking forward to celebrating the accomplishments of this crazy life I have lived. As mentioned, first with the men I mentioned and then later for dinner with the couple who accompanied me for the ceremony opening up Heaven on Earth. I am also looking forward to a life less like that of a Marvel Comic character to one more like the girl next door. Or, maybe, in this case, like the mother next door.
It has been honor to serve Source and you all these years.
Blessings to all for a bright future.
Much love.

Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.
Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.
Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.
In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.
To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit
Express Success was founded in 1981 in Los Angeles by Joy Pedersen to help people succeed quicker and easier. After teaching the Law of Attraction, Pedersen realized that everyone had excellent results in some areas and limited results in others. She recognized internal blocks negatively affecting the area of life where people were experiencing diminished results. The search for a solution lead to the discovery of spiritual healing. Pedersen then became a non-denominational ordained minister, a Doctor of Divinity, a Licensed Spiritual Healer, a Certified Spiritual Health Coach, and a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She now works with an international clientele. Her private clients are often business owners addressing their personal lives and business challenges helping both achieve even greater success with ease. Express Success LLC has since relocated to Sarasota, Florida. For more information on Dr. Joy Pedersen, an international best-selling author, visit