Home > NewsRelease > 975 – Make money with virtual people: Tom talks AI Spicy Models
975 – Make money with virtual people: Tom talks AI Spicy Models
Tom Antion -- Multimillionaire Internet Marketing Expert Tom Antion -- Multimillionaire Internet Marketing Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Virginia Beach, VA
Wednesday, March 19, 2025



In this episode of Screw the Commute, host Tom Antion discusses a controversial but lucrative online business model—creating and monetizing AI-generated Instagram models. He explains how people are making anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars per month using AI-generated female models to attract followers and drive traffic to platforms like FanView (a site similar to OnlyFans but allowing AI-generated personas).
Tom outlines how users can generate photorealistic models using AI tools like Gen Fluency AI, create Instagram profiles for them, and then monetize engagement through paid subscriptions and direct messages. He highlights ethical concerns, particularly around misleading consumers into believing these models are real, and suggests using names like Virtual Vivian to indicate they are AI-generated.
While Tom acknowledges the profitability of this model, he personally has no interest in participating. He wraps up the episode by promoting his mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com and teasing the next, less "spicy" episode.


Episode 975 – AI Spicy Models
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 975 of Screw the Commute podcast. This is going to be a little bit offbeat from the my norm. It's still going to be money making related, but it's called AI Spicy Models. This isn't like technical modeling of something. This is spicy models, bikini, nude, things like that. All right. So hang with me there because I'm not going to get real crazy on you here, but I'm going to tell you a method that's going people are making money, some ethically, some not ethically. And I'll go over that too. All right. Let's see. Hope you didn't miss episode 974 that was AI phishing scams. That's how to keep you safe because of all these deep fakes that are going around. They're trying to get you to click on stuff. All right, pick up a copy of our automation book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Check out both my school and my mentor program. The mentor program is greatinternetmarketingtraining.com. And if you're in that, you get a scholarship to my school, it's the only license dedicated to internet and digital marketing school in the country, probably the world. At IMTCVA.org.

[00:01:38] All right, let's get into this. Now, first of all, I am not prudish at all. All right. Now, am I going to do what I teach you today? No. All right. But I got to tell you. And over the 30 some years I've been in this business, I've had students that were selling used panties and and fingernails and just all kinds of crazy stuff.

[00:02:04] All right, now what I'm going to teach you today, you can do either ethically or not ethically. And what's crazy is that the consumers of what I'm going to teach you today, many of them don't care if it's not ethical. Now, most of you that know of me, you know, if you're doing anything unethical, I want nothing to do with you, or I might come after you. But anyway, what we're talking about is AI generated mostly female. You can generate males, mostly female Instagram models that don't actually exist. I crack up at this just thinking about it because people are making small fortunes with this. Some people are making a couple hundred dollars a month, some people are making $30,000 a month doing this. So what we're talking about here is there are websites give you one called Gen fluency AI where you can create. Just say I want a thin, buxom, blonde, blue eyed girl standing in a kitchen in a bikini and boom, there it is. The girl doesn't really exist. You just created her out of thin air. It kind of reminds me of that movie years ago, Simoni, where they made this fake movie star. And then. So you create this image and you can create lots of images because you'll need them. And then you take it over and put it on Instagram. You give the the fake person girl usually a name and you put them on Instagram. And of course you got to do all the stuff to build an Instagram channel.

[00:03:56] I agree with that, but it doesn't exist. I mean, the person does not exist, and the whole goal of this to make money is to get the people to click over to a thing called fan view. It's like an OnlyFans, but OnlyFans doesn't like these fake ones. All right, they want real people. Where fan view doesn't care. So you pay a membership or you pay to talk to supposedly talk to the girl. That's probably a big guy fatter than me, sitting in his basement basement. But some of the studies and quizzes not quizzes, but polls they did with people that are in this market. They don't even care that it's not real. They don't not they do not care. It's kind of pitiful, if you ask me that. It's the kind of the kind of buyers are people that want attention and would be too afraid or too ugly or have no social skills, but, you know, are interested in in pretty girls. And I'm sure they have a gay version of this, too, for both girls and and men. I just happen to see the the woman one, and where the ethics come in is if you really pretend that this is a real person, that's fraudulent in my book. Even though a lot of these people don't care. But to do it ethically, some of the these fake girls are named digital Queen or Virtual Harriet or Virtual Vivian or something like that. That's just saying right up front that we're not real. And these are all still pictures.

[00:05:42] They're trying to work on the technology to get actual videos so they can put them on TikTok and everywhere else. But but anyway, it's some of these, uh, fake people are getting 4000 likes on there every time they post a, a Instagram picture, which is just a still picture with, uh, not really saying much of anything because they can't, uh, maybe a caption on the picture and they're getting thousands and thousands of likes, but the bio is leading them to a fan view, uh, to try to get them to convert to so much, you know? 750 a month or whatever they charging and then more if you want to direct message them. And you know, like I said, it could be some fat guy out there just answering the DMs. But so it's just a it can be a legitimate way to make money in today's atmosphere. Like I said, that doesn't interest me. But there you go Jen. Fluent sky to Instagram to fan view is is a way to make money with this. So so there's your spicy model thing and uh, I don't think I'm interested in any more clients selling used panties and fingernails and things like that. I mean, back in the day, they were I'm sure people were still doing it. It's just, uh, they don't come around me. All right, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingtraining.com, and I will catch you on the probably non-spicy next episode. See you later.

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Name: Tom Antion
Group: Antion and Associates
Dateline: Virginia Beach, VA United States
Direct Phone: 757-431-1366
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