Home > NewsRelease > 977 – Good Stuff In Good Stuff Out: Tom talks Great AI Prompts
977 – Good Stuff In Good Stuff Out: Tom talks Great AI Prompts
Tom Antion -- Multimillionaire Internet Marketing Expert Tom Antion -- Multimillionaire Internet Marketing Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Virginia Beach, VA
Monday, March 24, 2025



In this episode of Screw the Commute, Tom Antion discusses how to craft effective AI prompts to get the best results from tools like ChatGPT. He emphasizes that the quality of input directly impacts the output. Tom shares a structured formula he learned from Dan von Rossum for creating "super prompts." Key elements of the formula include:
1. Be Nice: Treat the AI as a friend, starting with phrases like, "Dear ChatGPT, I need your help and appreciate your expertise."
2. Set Perspective: Begin the prompt with "Please imagine you are [a specific role]" to provide AI with a relevant context.
3. Specify Goals: Clearly state what you need, such as "I need to create a report on tensile strength of dog collars in Africa."
4. Provide Do’s and Don’ts: Detail what AI should focus on and avoid to refine its output.
5. Define Urgency: Indicate the timeframe for the task, e.g., one week or three hours.
6. State Output Format: Specify the desired final format, such as a PDF or a list.
7. Provide Existing Info: Share any relevant documents or prior work to help AI build on your input.
Tom shares how using this method improved his research on shopping cart systems. By refining his prompts, he reduced hundreds of options to a manageable list that met his specific criteria. He encourages listeners to invest time and effort in crafting detailed prompts for better outcomes.
Tom also promotes his mentor program (GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com), his automation book (screwthecommute.com/automatefree), and his internet marketing school (IMTCVA.org).
Key takeaway: The more thoughtful and detailed your prompts, the better results you’ll get from AI tools.


Episode 977 – Great AI Prompts
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute, the entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 977 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about great AI prompts. Now, I don't claim to be any kind of big expert, but I can tell you that the better stuff you put into AI, the better stuff you get out. So I'll give you a formula for that that I learned off of this other guy. All right. Let's see. Hope you didn't miss episode 976. That was AI hallucinations. And this is where you learn to protect yourself from AI biases. And I just making crap up out of thin air and making you look stupid for depending on it. So that was 976. Anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, and then the episode number. That was 976 and pick up a copy of our automation book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. You will thank me for it. If you even use a portion of what's in this book. We sell it for 27 bucks, but it's yours free for listening to the show. Also, check out my mentor program, greatinternetmarketingtraining.com and my school IMTCVA.org, where you can get a highly in-demand education in as little as six months. All right. A lot of you know, I'm not crazy about AI. That's all you hear about nowadays. Everybody crawls out from a rock and is an expert on it. I get that it's on everybody's mind. But if my philosophy that served me well over many, many years, 31 years now online is that I use dull edge technology.

[00:02:02] In other words, I let everybody figure out all the the glitches and the pains in the neck and the all the crap from the new technology. And then I swoop in and make money with it. All right. So so I don't claim to be any big expert on this, but I just use it sparingly. And if I'm going to use it just like I'm going to teach you today, you might as well get the best out of it. All right, here's the deal. A prompt is what you ask of your eye. A lot of you have heard of ChatGPT. All right. So we'll just use that one. So the first thing I learned, and this guy's name is Dan von Rossum and seems like a nice guy, knowledgeable guy. But these kinds of people are a dime a dozen nowadays just coming out of the woodwork. So I'm just giving you what I learned from him. And it's not the only way, but it's a good it's probably better than what you're doing now, for sure. So the first thing he said is when you're creating a super prompt or a great prompt is to be nice, and it's like you're talking to a friend rather than a computer, and the reason that he gave it is because in case a AI becomes sentient. Now, I looked up the definition of sentient, and that's something that's capable of feeling or perceiving sensations, or being conscious of their surroundings, of experiencing emotions like pleasure, pain, and fear.

[00:03:33] So his idea is, is that, hey, you might as well just be nice in your prompts. So if they are, or if they do become sentient, they'll say, oh, you're a nice guy. We'll work harder for you. All right. Now, whether that's true or not, I have no idea. It never hurts to be nice, though. First. Now I can be really, really nasty, but I'm always nice first. So that's one way to start your prompt. So he's. And this is what I learned from this guy. He says, dear let's say ChatGPT if that's what you're using I need your help and I appreciate your expertise. So you're being nice, basically. But then he gives you specific things to fill in the blanks, to give AI more exacting things of what you're looking for. So the first thing he says is to tell the the AI, please imagine you are. And then you fill in the blank, please imagine you are a dog trainer. Please imagine you are a an engineer. So it gives a perspective for AI to look from to help you with what you're looking for. And then the next thing he says is tell it I need two and then give your goal, which I need to create a report on tensile strength of dog collars in Africa. Yeah. Whatever you're trying to get, uh, you you put that in there, I need to. And then you give chat. The chat thing. Some do's and don'ts. So you should concentrate on dog collars in Africa. And then please avoid any dog collars that cost more than.

[00:05:25] I don't know what the thing is. Rands or something. More than $82 each. So you give it. Do's and don'ts. And you can do multiple things in each of these. Do's and don'ts. And then you tell it how urgent it is. Because if you give it more time, it can search further. So you say the urgency is one week from today. The urgency is three hours from now. I have to provide this report. So tell it how urgent it is and then tell it. The final output should be, let's say a PDF file or a CSV file, or a bunch of images or whatever it happens to be. You're looking for. Then you really help it out to and say, here's what I have so far, and you can usually upload a PDF file. Or, you know, for instance, I'm doing this research on on shopping cart systems because the one I've been promoting for years is shutting down. So a lot of people are going to be coming after me to say, hey, what should what should we do? So I put a very detailed prompt in to narrow down the hundreds of shopping cart systems to have the features that I know that are important so that I can hone in on them and start evaluating them to finally pick one for all the people that are using kick start cart. So what I did was I uploaded all the carts I had already, you know, started looking at so that it could, you know, get something to work with.

[00:07:01] And then I also told it, here's the criteria that I want to have happen. In other words, it has to be usable on multiple websites. And it has to have an affiliate program and it has to have coupons and just all the things that I know shopping carts need. And so I put that prompt in and boy did I get great results compared to just saying, hey, tell me, uh, you know, give me a bunch of shopping cart systems, you know, online shopping cart systems. So the better stuff you put in, the better stuff you're going to get out. So just to break this down again, uh, be nice. Tell it to imagine who they are. So they have a perspective of which way they're coming from. Tell them what you need to accomplish a report or a list or whatever it is. Give them dos what they should do and what they shouldn't do. Please avoid X, Y, and Z and please look for ABC, whatever it is. Do's and don'ts. Tell them how urgent it is and then tell them the final output should be what format you want it in, and then give them everything you've got so far. And yeah, that's a lot of work compared to just saying, Hey. What? Give me a list of shopping carts. Well, this thing narrowed it down to a lot of those criteria that I wanted so that I didn't have to review hundreds of carts. You know, it narrowed it down to 20 or 30, which is a lot of work to review these carts.

[00:08:35] See? So so the better time and effort you can put into a prompt, the better results you're going to get. And then once the results come in, you can say, oh that's great, but could you give me x, Y and z extra on this? Or could you delete any things that do x, y, and z say so you can keep refining the results. But the first results are going to be way better than just some general thing where they have no idea what perspective to come from, where you're coming from, how to output the results to you, anything. So this is a great it's not the only format, but this is what I learned from Mr. Van Rossum in the course I took from him. And it's I tried it myself, and it really worked way better than me just asking for a bunch of shopping cart systems. All right, so that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Check out our mentor program. GreatinternetmarketingTraining.com the longest running, most successful, most unique ever in the field of internet and digital marketing. And I usually triple dog dare anybody to put their program up against mine because they wouldn't be embarrassed to do it because it's been running for, uh, let's see, 28 years now, something like that. And no complaints, no lawsuits, that kind of stuff. So check it out at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com. And also check out my school at IMTCVA.org. All right. We'll catch you on the next episode. See you later.

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Name: Tom Antion
Group: Antion and Associates
Dateline: Virginia Beach, VA United States
Direct Phone: 757-431-1366
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