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A Better Movie than “The Secret”?
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Monday, April 2, 2012

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The Keeper of the Keys is the newest personal development movie to be released, and it's already being touted as being "the best film of its kind" by experts in the field.

Producer Robin Jay, who is also President of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, said, "Over the past few years, I have tried to watch every personal development movie made. There were many that I couldn't get through. It seems that ever since the success of The Secret, most personal development movies are little more than an endless stream of talking heads. While there are nuggets of wisdom, the process is so tedious that it is easy enough to miss those. I felt the industry could use a movie that was engaging, entertaining, and even funny. My goal in producing The Keeper of the Keys was to create a fun movie that everyone would enjoy, even people who aren't fans of the self-help genre. That is why I wrote the tag line: Taking the HELL out of Self-help! For many people, self-help can be a dry, agonizing process. I wanted to show it doesn't have to be."

Jay accomplished her mission with The Keeper of the Keys. Stephen Simon, co-founder of Spiritual Cinema Circle (SCC), has already licensed the movie to be the April release for their members – who are in more than 65 countries around the globe. In honor of The Keeper of the Keys being this month's featured release from SCC, Jay is offering a 20% discount to the first 200 people who visit the website and buy the DVD. Just enter the promo code APRIL20 when checking out. The site accepts Paypal, which takes all major credit cards, and shipping is available worldwide.

Simon, who produced the cult classic Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour, What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams, and produced and directed Conversations with God with Neale Donald Walsch, declared The Keeper of the Keys to be the new gold standard in the genre. To view the trailer, click here.

The movie stars several of the teachers from the movie The Secret, including Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff, along with other experts who are newer to the self-help scene. One of the experts with whom Simon was most impressed was Hueina Su. Her message of faith, self-love, and authenticity, according to Simon, "makes her one of major reasons that [the movie] is so wonderful." He wrote on her Facebook page, "…Your insights, and the compassionate way that you communicate them, are beautiful and deeply meaningful… thanks so much for your contribution to what I believe is the best film of its kind that I have ever seen–and, yes, that includes The Secret!"

As co-founder of Spiritual Cinema Circle, Simon has also had to watch countless self-help or personal growth movies. Like Jay, he found many of them to offer some value, but also found them to be anything but fun. Jay contacted Simon when she began the project early in 2011.

"I wanted Stephen to direct my movie. He was too busy at the time to direct but, instead, he mentored me every step of the way. He loved the fact that I wanted to do something VERY different from what has already been done. In fact, it was Stephen's suggestion to make the movie funny. He said that if I wanted to make a movie that would be critically different, the best way I could do that would be to make it funny. That decision led me to hire Scott Cervine to appear in the movie. I'd seen him in several SCC movies and thought he'd be perfect as the star; even when he's arguing, he has a comical quality. He brought a lot to the movie. After my first production meeting, Cervine agreed to star in it, AND said he wanted to direct the feature documentary."

"I think viewers may have to remind themselves that this movie is actually a documentary. It is a hybrid that combines a very funny fictional story with expert testimonials. That could have been a tough combination to pull off, but we succeeded in doing it and making it work. In fact, it works on every level. The expert segments are not the same old tired sound bites that we see in so many movies of this genre. Instead, I worked with the experts to uncover their deeply personal stories of transformation. They are authentic and honest, and their stories are not anything anyone has ever heard before. The movie is fun, funny, and incredibly moving in parts, and it's also exceptionally empowering. Viewers will find answers, they will be moved, and they will come away happier and more motivated," says Jay.

Jeweler Harry Mason contacted Jay after viewing the movie. He wrote, "I watched it with my wife, Kathryn, last night. It exceeded my expectations, making me laugh and moving me to tears in parts. It was great hearing from some regulars and some others in the transformational world. We plan to watch it again to take notes. I have been a student of transformation for over 31 years. I have attended many seminars, read many books, listened to many CD's and watched many movies, including The Secret. I have used what I have learned to build a successful business, empowering our customers and our staff. Your movie, The Keeper of the Keys, is in a league of its own. It was a joy to watch. And, the best part was that it was very FUNNY! Humor is a great teaching tool, and the humor in your movie was used exceptionally well to get across many of the points that lead to the main character's transformation."

Jay says, "Comparisons to the blockbuster movie The Secret are inevitable. The Secret, which focuses on the Law of Attraction, brought the topic of personal development into many homes which, before that, had never even known about it. Once the film found its way into Oprah Winfrey's hands, and she featured it – as did Larry King and other news and information programs around the world - it took off like fireworks. But, it became controversial because many viewers came away believing the core message was to simply wish for something and it would appear. That's not how the Law of Attraction works. The movie didn't address the ACTION steps necessary to manifest the life of your dreams, so many people became frustrated with it, feeling they were doing something wrong."

"The advantage we have in The Keeper of the Keys is that instead of focusing on HAVING MORE, our movie is about BEING MORE. There is nothing controversial about any of the segments in our movie. It is a great ensemble of experts coming together to empower the viewers. We've heard nothing but positive comments from everyone who has seen it."

For more information or for interviews about the movie, contact Robin@RobinJay.com or call 702-460-1420. To order the DVD, visit the official movie Website at www.TheKEEPERoftheKEYS.com. Promo code APRIL20 is valid for the first 200 visitors who buy the DVD.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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