For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles,
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
C) 2020 by Rych McCain, All Rights Reserved. No part of this column may be reprinted, re-posted or duplicated without written permission from Rych McCain Media/Syndication. Violation is subject to applicable laws This blog is ranked #9 in the Top 20 Hollywood Blogs from the massive worldwide data base of A Clear Shot Premiere - Film
Rych McCain International/Nationally Syndicated Entertainment Columnist
A Clear Shot Premiere “A Clear Shot” made its Los Angeles premiere with red-carpet arrivals, on Saturday, October 5, 2019 at the TCL Chinese Theatres, located on the famed Hollywood Walk of Fame. “A Clear Shot” was inspired by the 1991 Good Guys! Hostage Crisis in Sacramento, Calif., which is the largest hostage crisis in the United States history. “A Clear Shot” weaves together the story of four desperate men who will do anything to make their dreams come true, and the brave men and women who fight to save the lives of innocent people. A Leisure Guys! electronics store erupts into chaos as four young, Vietnamese gunmen storm the premises, locked and loaded. Enter Rick Gomez, the hostage negotiator of the Sacramento Police Department. Gomez is no stranger to tense situations that demand a cool head. He realizes rather quickly that his job is not simply to talk the gunmen down and keep the hostages safe, but also to juggle the politics of an arrogant sheriff and trigger-happy SWAT commander.  | Cast with Dirctor Nick Leisure 2nd from far right
As the hostage situation progresses inside the store, the leader of the pack, Loi, understands that he has his own chess pieces to move. He doesn't want to hurt anyone; but, his loose-cannon brother, Long, is a different story. He's itching for blood, and unless Loi can get their demands met, which includes a large sum of money and transport back to their native land of Vietnam, then the events with the hostages could spiral out of control. The film takes the audience through the thrilling ride of suspense, unforeseen action and the power of heroism.
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