Tuesday, June 13, 2023

New Book by Saavy Dog
A Louisiana Catahoula Hound Dog Pens Satirical Book Showing How Trump’s Self-incriminating Behavior Sends Him to the Doghouse (or the Big House)
it is clearly a must-read for Republicans with an 8th grade education”— Cajun Beau Bayou
WASHINGTON, D.C., DC, USA, June 13, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -- As Donald Trump answers criminal charges, a little Louisiana dog shows how it's too late for "The Big Dog." The Louisiana Catahoula Hound Dog, who is a life-long Republican, wrote this satirical book pointing out Trump’s self-inflected doom in a unique but simple literary format using a charming and playful dog!
The book rakes Trump over coals by speaking in French (with the English translations in small print at the bottom of the pages for readers who don’t know French) and Trump, who is too much of stable genius to need a translator, takes the dogs damning critiques as flattery, so Trump sends out gushy ‘thank you’ notes to the dog making it for a knee-slapping book.
“My book’s goal is to make Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and sane Republicans laugh out loud,” says, Cajun Beau, “and, it is clearly a must-read for Republicans with an 8th grade education."
The Louisiana Catahoula Hound Dog, who is a life-long Republican, wrote this satirical book pointing out Trump’s lies, corruption, and indecency in a unique but simple format using a charming and playful dog!
Cajun Beau figured the literary device of a hound dog will attract dog-lovers, hunters, pickup truck drivers, and Fox News listeners.
Beau asks readers who appreciate the book to mention it on their digital media pages like Facebook pages to give the book a viral spin on the internet.
Available on Amazon… https://www.amazon.com/French-Speaking-Louisiana-Hound-Donald/dp/B08BDK55P8
Canjun Beau Bayou
McGuire Communications
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News Provided By
Canjun Beau Bayou, McGuire Communications
June 13, 2023, 17:48 GMT
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