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APTA Media Advisory - National Press Conference on Public Transit Infrastructure Needs
American Public Transportation Association American Public Transportation Association
Washington, DC
Monday, March 11, 2019


Looking Ahead to an Infrastructure Bill

With Congress looking to pass an infrastructure bill this spring, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) will host a national press conference on Monday, March 18 at 11:30 a.m. at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C. The press conference will address the many crucial public transportation projects that could move forward with federal funding in an infrastructure bill. 
APTA will also release new information detailing critical public transit projects that are at varying stages of planning and development. This research shows the urgent needs of public transportation in the U.S. and specifically addresses the $90 billion backlog of maintenance and repairs needed nationwide. Federal funding in an infrastructure bill would greatly improve mobility, modernize public transportation, alleviate congestion and expand the reach of public transit systems for millions of Americans.
The speakers will be available for Q&A with journalists following their remarks.
?WHAT: ?Public Transportation Infrastructure Press Conference


?Moderator: David M. Stackrow, Chair, American Public Transportation Association, Washington, DC

National Overview: Paul P. Skoutelas, President & CEO, American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Washington, DC

Public Transit system Infrastructure Reports: 

Dorval R. Carter, Jr.,President, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Chicago, IL

Nuria I. Fernandez, General Manager,/CEO, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose, CA

Elizabeth Presutti, General Manager, Des Moines Area Regional transit Authority (DART), Des Moines, IA

Gary Thomas, President/Executive Director, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Dallas, TX 

?WHEN: ?Monday, March 18 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EDT.

?WHERE: ?Grand Hyatt Hotel

1000 H Street

Washington, DC

?RSVP: ?Reporters are invited to attend in person or by phone. Contact Virginia Miller at  vmiller@apta.com? to RSVP and to receive the call-in number.

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The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is a nonprofit international association of 1,500 public and private sector organizations which represent a $71 billion industry that directly employs 430,000 people and supports millions of private sector jobs. APTA members are engaged in the areas of bus, paratransit, light rail, commuter rail, subways, waterborne services, and intercity and high-speed passenger rail. This includes: transit systems; planning, design, construction, and finance firms; product and service providers; academic institutions; transit associations and state departments of transportation. APTA is the only association in North America that represents all modes of public transportation. APTA members serve the public interest by providing safe, efficient and economical transit services and products.

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Name: Chad Chitwood
Title: Director-Media Relations
Group: American Public Transportation Association
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: (202) 496-4800
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