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Academy of Hope Learners Have Infinite Possibilities
Patrina M. Clark - Trusted Advisor to Federal Leaders Patrina M. Clark - Trusted Advisor to Federal Leaders
Washington, DC
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Boussourou, McSwain, Clark, and Brantley
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Infinite Possibilities, a program about changing your life with the power of your thoughts, seemed like a perfect addition to the learning curriculum at Academy of Hope.

Infinite Possibilities is the brain-child of Mike Dooley, international best selling author of Infinite Possibilities and the newly released children's book Dreams Come True, All They Need is You.

Patrina Clark is a certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and Board Member at Academy of Hope. She was very confident that the program would find an audience at Hope. Clark pitched the idea to Lecester Johnson, AoH Executive Director, and Johnson was very receptive. She connected Clark with AoH staff, and the pilot offering was launched this summer.

Dooley's messages about the importance of owning your thoughts and using those thoughts to create your own best life resonated with Clark - so much so that when the first Infinite Possibilities (IP) train-the-trainer session was offered in October 2011, Clark signed up and happily made the trip to Orlando.

The 2-day program resulted in more than 130 certified trainers ready to take Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Changing Your Life to the masses. Since then, more than 300 trainers have been certified.

It would take Clark almost a year to find her audience, but she found her inspiration at an Academy of Hope graduation ceremony. Sitting in the audience watching these adults walk across the graduation stage filled with pride at having overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, Clark had found her audience.

She put together a 6-week pilot offering and 22 students attended at least one of the weekly sessions. Discussion topics included Why Our Thoughts Are So Important, What We Believe Is Our Truth, Using Our Emotions to Make Our Lives Better, Just Do It (The Importance of Taking Action), and Creating a Life Map.

Clark volunteered her time delivering the program and TUT Enterprises provided the student workbooks free of charge. The graduation ceremony was held July 30, 2013, at the AoH Ward 5 site with 14 students receiving certificates. Four students were awarded Giant Food Store gift cards and special certificates for perfect attendance.

Feedback from the learners was overwhelming positive.

"The concepts in the program are essential to Academy of Hope students. The messages inspire confidence and positive living," said Eleanore Boussourou, a newly enrolled AoH learner.

"It gave me a lot more confidence and really helped me to feel better about myself and my life," said Shevanda Brantley, another newly enrolled AoH learner. "I'm really glad I came to the program."

Clark looks forward to expanding offerings this fall in the metro DC area. She loves how the program provides tools for more empowered, inspired living in a way that is easily accessible to anyone.

Patrina Clark loves shining a bright light on the path to more empowered, authentic, and joyful living to help others create and follow their own paths. The Joyfully You Experience is about inspiring more joyful living one Divine soul at a time.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Patrina Clark, SPHR, RACC, HCS
Title: President
Group: Pivotal Practices Consulting LLC
Dateline: Greenbelt, MD United States
Direct Phone: 301-927-2389
Cell Phone: 443-481-8511
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