Wednesday, December 27, 2023
What’s the first magical thing you remember seeing? And who is the first magician you ever saw?
In 1976, my wife and I went to our first magic show in Jaipur, India. We still talk about the show as it was during our honeymoon. I remember the magician wearing a long coat and turban, swallowing swords and putting that sword in a bucket.
Who got you into magic? Who has been a key mentor, or two, or three, for you in your magic career? And how can someone get into magic today—or get their kid into magic?
I have been interested in magic since I was very young because my father gave me a book called “Math & Magic”, not because I was interested in magic, but because I was not good at math. Little did he know what an impact that would make.
I have been doing playing card and mathematical magic since I was eight. As a practicing physician, I did magic for my patients during chemotherapy infusion in my clinic. But in 2013, I attended the McBride School of Magic and Mystery in Las Vegas. This was my first experience learning Magic professionally. I did however once attend a Continued Medical Education Class which was related to Magic in Medicine. My mentors in Magic are Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger, and Larry Hass. I have been lucky to learn from many magicians outside of the school such as Eric Henning, David Morey, Scott Alexander; just to name a few.

In my experience the best way to learn magic and not just “tricks”, is from in person teachers, like at the Mystery School. If that is not possible, I would encourage others to read books and watch videos produced specifically for learning but steer clear from YouTube.
For kids, consider the IBM, International Brotherhood of Magicians, local chapter RING 50, which has monthly magic teaching classes. One can contact RING 50 on their Facebook page.
What was the first real piece of magic you performed? And what’s the most magical effect you have ever seen a magician perform?
My first magical piece was “20 century silk”. The most magical effect I ever saw was “Silk to cane production and vanish” and card manipulation.
Who today is your favorite magician? Or two? Or three? And how do you prepare for a show or break in a new piece of magic?
My favorite magician is Mac King. I love his style and character. Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride are also amongst my favorite magicians and teachers too. How do you break in a new piece of magic?
Honestly, I get very nervous before the show and get lots of help from teachers and mentors. I write and re-write my script and handling. I record my practice and watch it several times. I also send to Jeff McBride for his feedback.Krishan Pod
I like to create a new twist to old classic magic by reading about it and watching DVDs.
Tell us about how and why you joined Washington Magic and what it means to you.
In 2019, I met David Morey at Mystery School in Las Vegas. I loved the show, asked to join the team and here I am. Washing Magic has given me the opportunity to grow in my magical skills, performance and people interaction. I am very proud to be a member of the team. Washington Magic provides a fun time and is truly delightful entertainment for all.