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Anal Fissures Discussed on Oprah
Caroline Sutherland -- The Medical Intuitive and Health Expert Caroline Sutherland -- The Medical Intuitive and Health Expert
Hollywood, CA
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Best-selling author and health expert Caroline Sutherland, whose latest book ?The Body Knows How to Stay Young? released by prestigious publisher Hay House says that there is a simple solution to the common problem of anal fissures. Anal fissures are caused by hard bowel movements that cause straining and tearing of the anal area.

Melissa, a recent guest on the Oprah Winfrey show, discussed the topic of anal fissures with popular doctor and co-host Mehmet Oz. While Dr Oz suggested hot baths, drinking more water, consuming more fiber, the ?four finger? procedure or Botox treatments to relax anal muscles, there were other points which were not discussed.

According to Sutherland, who has an extensive background in Environmental Medicine and food allergy testing says, ?Michelle, is an African American woman. I find that commonly African Americans are dairy intolerant. Food intolerances can cause bowel problems ? either diarrhea of constipation. The solution is dairy product avoidance and the use of lower colon re-colonization or probiotics. In addition the use of digestive enzymes stops gas which passes through the GI tract and hardens the stool at the rectal area. Also, Michelle?s thyroid could be sub-clinically low, a factor in constipation.?

Going beyond the specific issue of digestive tract health, Caroline Sutherland, who has helped over 100,000 people worldwide with her unique brand of medical intuition, emphasizes that everyone should be aware of the factors involved in healthy digestive tract flora.

Sutherland encourages consumers to become proactive regarding health on every level and seek help from a local holistic practitioner and conventional medicine where indicated. For more information go to www.carolinesutherland.com or contact her at 800-575-8165

About Caroline Sutherland:

Author of ?The Body Knows: How to Tune In to Your Body and Improve Your Health,? ?The Body Knows: Cracking the Weight Loss Code? and the newly released book, ?The Body Knows How to Stay Young: Healthy-Aging Secrets from a Medical Intuitive,? Sutherland?s winter 2009 schedule of seminars is currently in process around the country and throughout the world. Employing her philosophy and extensive background in Environmental Medicine, all her books offer a host of practical suggestions for solving wide-range of health problems.

As a child, with her mother being a dietitian and her father and grandfather medical doctors, Caroline Sutherland had the blueprint of family lineage which sowed the seeds for her future career as a medical intuitive. She has a vast clinical background as an allergy-testing technician in environmental medicine, where her intuitive gift developed.

For the past 25 years, she has lectured internationally on the subject, and her intuitive impressions have positively affected the lives of more than 100,000 people. Caroline is the founder of Sutherland Communications, Inc., which offers medical-intuitive training programs, weight-loss programs, and consultation services for adults and children.
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Name: Brad Butler
Group: UniGlobal Media
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 310-927-1134
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