Wednesday, July 17, 2024
In a world of cynicism and doubt, there still shines a bright light from the creative minds in Hollywood. Creative Screenwriting in partnership with the International Screenwriting Association (ISA) is currently dwindling down the prospects to announce finalists in the Shoot Your Short Script competition.
According to Molly Kasch, C.O.O. at ISA, more than 1,000 scripts were entered into the battle for the pirate's booty. What's the booty every screenwriter seeks? Why their scripts to actually be produced, of course!
With a massive consolidation of media buyers taking place, and a constriction of channels to pursue in a season described by to be "dry as a bone" this opportunity gives a bright hope to the more than 1,000 submissions received,
It's not only the hope of seeing your writing produced on screen that drives the frenzied hopes of every submission; it's also the opportunities that follow when a script wins First Prize.
Money, fame, and exposure, meetings with agents and development execs, development deals, options, purchases, and more. A competition can be a great venue to shine whether a beginner or a seasoned vet in the biz.
Announcements of the ten finalists will be announced July 18 and the Grand Prize Winner will be announced on July 25.
For more information, visit
Michael J. Herman is Critic At Large at
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Michael J. Herman, Speaker-Writer-Author-Critic-At-Large
(818) -894-4610 | M: (818) 441-9288