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Aquarius Steps Onstage, Leads Earth Into ‘New Age’-2021 Horoscope
Anne Nordhaus-Bike -- Astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike -- Astrologer
Chicago, IL
Monday, May 17, 2021

Aquarians: time to shine! Take the stage, live your ideals, and let your genius lead the way into the great new Age Of Aquarius.

"Astrologer Anne," Chicago-based astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike, published her 2021 horoscope for everyone born under the sign of Aquarius as part of her "Cosmic Love Letter" series, offering horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs.

Age Of Aquarius: Step Out On Stage

"It's your turn to step out on stage if you're an Aquarius, Nordhaus-Bike said. "We're now in the Age Of Aquarius, and so much depends on you as we fulfill the 'new age' predicted in the 1960s."

This year will help because "The fresh air is blowing through courtesy of air sign Aquarius, and we can sense a shift," Nordhaus-Bike explained. "A big change from the 'things are falling apart' vibe of the last year."

Aquarians need to create the new: first in their hopes, dreams, and wishes "and then on the material plane," she said. "In an age named for your zodiac sign, we need you to model the absolute best potential of your sign. That means being utterly yourself, unique—while fitting in with one or more groups."

Nordhaus-Bike advises Aquarius people to start "taking your dreams seriously and dedicating yourself to changing the world through idealism, humanitarian action, philanthropy, and friendship. Blending ancient wisdom with the most 'supercali-futuristic' visions for society, culture, and human potential."

She also suggests Aquarians to use their "hard won spiritual progress to recognize when you're receiving inspiration from a higher source, recording it immediately, and figuring out how and when to apply it. That's where your genius ideas are going to come from."

Do it right, and Aquarians can make their work "heartfelt as well as intellectually amazing," she added. "What a surprise and a joy it will be to see what you come up with and how you show everyone, 'here's how it's done.'"

For Aquarius's 2021 horoscope, go to https://astrologeranne.com/69471/horoscope-2021-aquarius-horoscope-new-year-2021/.

About Astrologer Anne

Astrologer Anne is Anne Nordhaus-Bike, a longtime professional astrologer and award-winning astrology journalist.

She's also in demand as a speaker and is a frequent and popular guest on radio, where she takes calls from listeners and shares what's in the stars for every astrology sign. Her free horoscopes cover every zodiac sign for devoted readers on her website. The National Women's Hall of Fame honored her accomplishments, adding her to its Wall Of Fame. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers.

For more information, go to https://astrologeranne.com/

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Name: Anne Nordhaus-Bike
Title: President
Group: AstrologerAnne.com
Dateline: Chicago, IL United States
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