It has been a little over a year since the coronavirus pandemicblindsided the U.S. economy and crashed the stock market into a short-livedbear market. The new bull market that began at the end of March / startof April is thus now about 11 months old. That’s one of the key reasonswhy analysts at Truist Wealth think the upswing in the S&P 500 still hasplenty of room to run.
Looking at data over the past six decades, Truistasserts that the current bull-market may be both too young and too limited in termsof price gains to be over anytime soon. The current gains are much lowerthan the average gain since 1957, and the age of this bull is not even close tothe average duration of 5 years.

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Womack Investment Advisers, Inc.
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Phone (405) 340-1717 - Toll Free (877) 340-1717
Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. (WIA) is a registered investment adviser whose principal office is located in Oklahoma. Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. is also registered in the State of California, the State of Illinois, the State of Indiana, and the State of Texas. WIA only transacts business in sates where it is properly registered, or excluded, or exempted from registration requirements.