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Are You Toxic? Maybe? Join The Detox Summit.
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine
Detroit, MI
Friday, July 18, 2014



SUBJECT: Are you surviving or thriving in today's toxic world?


Environmental toxins can be found in what you eat, drink, breathe, feel and think. You may not be aware of toxins, but if you want to be healthy, being educated on the latest in toxins is a must! Chronic conditions, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity, may be associated with environmental toxins in your body.


The pearls of wisdom from expert speakers at The Detox Summit are essential to your health. Join us online for free from August 4-11.


This Detox Summit will provide you with the information you need to:

  • Learn about environmental toxins in food, air and water
  • Understand internally-generated toxins, like thoughts, emotions and behaviors
  • Recognize toxins of all types and eliminate them
  • Focus on breakthrough solutions to gain more energy and vitality


Navigate your way through today's toxic terrain when you register for the free, online Detox Summit today:



"Detox" is a multi-faceted term that means many things to people, from drug and alcohol detoxification to nutritional detoxification, or cleanses using food, smoothies and juices. Deanna Minich, PhD, has selected 30 experts in various areas of medicine, nutrition and personal growth to offer a well-rounded, credible approach to the issues of environmental toxins and holistic health.


Here are a few of the incredible presenters:


Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Father of Functional Medicine

The Science of Nutritional Detoxification


Mark Hyman, MD, Functional Medicine Expert

Toxins and Chronic Disease: Why Detox is a Necessity for Good Health


Jeffrey Smith, Leading Spokesperson on GMOs

Genetically Modified Foods as Toxins in Everyday Eating


David Wolfe, Superfoods Guru

Foods to Enhance Vitality and Detox


Rainbeau Mars, Fitness Model and Actress

A Full Spectrum, Superstar Approach to Everyday Detox


With 30 presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for people everywhere!

Better yet, if you register today you'll have access to the following FREE eBooks as soon as you register!

  • Food & Spirit Nourish Your Whole Self™ Report, by Deanna Minich, PhD
  • Detox Your Medicine Cabinet: 26 Herbs and Supplements that Treat Common Symptoms, by Aviva Romm, MD
  • Top 7 Therapeutic Foods, by Kelly Brogan, MD
  • 10 Tips for Helping Your Loved One with Autism, by Martha Herbert, MD, PhD
  • Benefits of Vitamin D, by Soram Khalsa, MD


Come listen to The Detox Summit ONLINE for FREE from August 4-11, and learn to survive your toxic world!



I'll see you at the Summit!


Peace, Health & Happiness

Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD


Additional bonuses are upcoming.

Upcoming expert interviews with the Masters of Health to answer your personal questons.

Opportunity to win $100.00 gift card (your choice of gasoline or groceries)

Online Functional Health Assessment

Personal Physician Assessment (limited)

Join Free Loyalty Rewards Programs and get cash back.

Join  Physican Grade Nutrtional program at a discount rate and cash back.

Membership to my  facebook closed group, to get ongoing support during and after the event.






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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D.
Dateline: ROYAL OAK, MI United States
Direct Phone: 800-584-4926
Main Phone: 800-584-4926
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