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Are Your Earth Station Design Skills Down-to-Earth or Up-in-the-Air?
Jim Jenkins - Applied Technology Institute Jim Jenkins - Applied Technology Institute
Annapolis, MD
Thursday, February 23, 2012

NASA Satellite Ground Terminals
Video Clip: Click to Watch
Do You Know How to Address all the Technical, Business, and Operational Aspects of Satellite Ground Stations?

This intensive four-day course is intended for satellite communications engineers, earth station design professionals, and operations and maintenance managers and technical staff. The course provides a proven approach to the design of modern earth stations, from the system level down to the critical elements that determine the performance and reliability of the facility. We will address the essential technical properties in the baseband and RF, and delve deeply into the block diagram, budgets and specification of earth stations and hubs. Also addressed are practical approaches for the procurement and implementation of the facility, as well as proper practices for operations/maintenance and testing throughout the useful life. The overall methodology assures that the earth station meets its requirements in a cost effective and manageable manner.

Determine for yourself the value of this course on YouTube before you sign up.

About the Applied Technology Institute (ATI)

Our mission here at Applied Technology Institute (ATI) is to provide expert training and the highest quality professional development in space, communications, defense, sonar, radar, and signal processing. We are not a one-size-fits-all educational facility. Our short classes include both introductory and advanced courses.

Since 1984, ATI has provided leading-edge public courses and onsite technical training to DoD and NASA personnel, as well as contractors. Whether you are a busy engineer, a technical expert or a project manager, you can enhance your understanding of complex systems in a short time. You will become aware of the basic vocabulary essential to interact meaningfully with your colleagues. If you or your team is in need of more technical training, then boost your career with the knowledge needed to provide better, faster, and cheaper solutions for sophisticated DoD and NASA systems.

Why not take a short course? ATI short courses are less than a week long and are designed to help you keep your professional knowledge up-to-date. Our courses provide a practical overview of space and defense technologies which provide a strong foundation for understanding the issues that must be confronted in the use, regulation and development of complex systems.

What You Will Learn:

• Ground Segment and Earth Station Technical Aspects

• Major Earth Station Engineering

• Hub Requirements and Supply

• User Terminals for Fixed and Mobile Applications

Course Outline, Samplers, and Notes

Our short courses are designed for individuals involved in planning, designing, building, launching, and operating space and defense systems.

After attending the course you will receive a full set of detailed notes at the beginning of the class for future reference and can add notes and more detail based on the in-class interaction, as well as a certificate of completion. Each student will receive a copy of Bruce R. Elbert's text, "The Satellite Communication Ground Segment and Earth Station Engineering Handbook", Artech House, 2001.

Please visit our website for more valuable information.

The Instructor

ATI's instructors are world-class experts who are the best in the business. They are carefully selected for their ability to clearly explain advanced technology.

Bruce R. Elbert, MSc (EE), MBA, Adjunct Professor, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Mr. Elbert is a recognized satellite communications expert and has been involved in the satellite and telecommunications industries for over 40 years. He founded ATSI to assist major private and public sector organizations that develop and operate cutting-edge networks using satellite technologies and services. During 25 years with Hughes Electronics, he directed the design of several major satellite projects, including Palapa A, Indonesia's original satellite system; the Galaxy follow-on system (the largest and most successful satellite TV system in the world); and the development of the first GEO mobile satellite system capable of serving handheld user terminals. Mr. Elbert was also ground segment manager for the Hughes system, which included eight teleports and 3 VSAT hubs.

Date and Location

The date and location of this course is below:

2-5 April 2012 Colorado Springs, CO


The ATI Courses Team

P.S. Call today for registration at 410-956-8805 or 888-501-2100 or access our website at www.ATIcourses.com. For general questions please email us at ATI@ATIcourses.com


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P.P.S. What Happens at ATI does NOT Stay at ATI because our training helps you and your organization remain competitive in this changing world. Please feel free to call Mr. Jenkins personally to discuss your requirements and objectives. He will be glad to explain in detail what ATI can do for you, what it will cost, and what you can expect in results and future performance.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jim Jenkins
Title: President
Group: Applied Technology Institute
Dateline: Annapolis, MD United States
Direct Phone: 410-956-8805
Main Phone: 410-956-8805
Cell Phone: 410-956-8805
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