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Are you Quick to Hear?
Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nacogdoches, TX
Monday, February 8, 2021


Here’s today’s, spoonful of courage.

James 1:19 reminds us: “My beloved brethren, let every man be quick to hear slow to speak and slow to anger, for the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God.”

We’re living in unparalleled, unprecedented, perilous times. As we think about all the events of 2020, the coronavirus, the riots in the streets, and people attacking the capital, things seem out of control.

Our culture has gotten things wrong. Just the opposite of what James commands. We’re, quick to get angry. We’re, quick to say something without stopping and listening. Here the book of James reminds us the power of our words.

Think about this last year. How many words have been spoken out of anger? How many have spoken without really thinking about the consequences of those words and the what the consequences they would have on others?

James reminds us to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to answer. I want to remind you another another verse in Isaiah, chapter 50, verse 4. It says this. “The Lord has given me the tongue of those who are taught that I may know how to sustain with the word him that is weary morning by morning. He awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.”

It’s, interesting here that the prophet Isaiah reminds us that God is constantly speaking to us. We need to be quick to hear first of all, what God says: not what the media says, or what someone else says. Stop and to listen to God and realize that he’s speaking to us through his word. He’s speaking to us. Through our circumstances. He’s speaking to us through other people. He’s speaking to us by the Holy Spirit who is guiding us and directing us.

If we stop and listen to God and then begin to stop and hear other people out, things will be better. It doesn’t mean we have to agree with what they say. First, filter it through what God says. We’ll going to be a lot better off, you know. He has given us this instructed tongue.

He’s, given us his ability to listen to what he says and then to be slow to speak before we say things to really think about the effect that it’s going to make. Is this going to inflame the issue? Is this going to cause more anger, more dissension, more problems, or is this going to be something that promotes peace, and you know, establishes the greater kingdom, the kingdom of god and then first and then finally to be slow to anger?

So I want you to think about James 1:19 now and what we’re facing in our culture, to be quick, to hear, to be slow to speak and to be slow to anger. I’m, Dr. Page, the best guy to see on the worst day of your life. If you will, click and like and share with your friends.

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