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As War Looms In The Middle East, It Is In This Most Critical Moment That Voices Of Clarity, Reason, Faith And Hope Are Most Need
Maryam Kabeer Maryam Kabeer
Philadelphia, PA
Monday, May 24, 2021


SHEIKHA MARYAM KABEER, is such a voice. 

PEACEMAKER, TEACHER,  SPEAKER, INTERFAITH ACTIVIST and AUTHOR of  "JOURNEY THROUGH 10,000 VEILS, THE ALCHEMY OF TRANSFORMATION ON THE SUFI PATH " her deeply personal and experientially informed mystic quest is a powerful and revealing account of one woman's spiritual journey into the core of Islamic~Sufi spirituality, which sold out, and is currently being re-released in an updated, revised edition.

Sheikha Maryam Kabeer was guided on the spiritual journey throughout her life. Born in a liberal Jewish family in Hollywood CA, she was guided to visit and abide in spiritual centers around the world.  Maryam embraced Islam with an ancient  Palestinian Sufi Sheikh,  in El Khalil  ( Hebron ) near the tomb/shrine of the Patriarch of three monotheistic faiths, Prophet Abraham, in 1975. While living on the Mount of Olives, writing a book on Jerusalem, with a small group of people, called "Jerusalem, a Garden in the Flames" , she with her companions interviewed many people : Jews, Christians, and  Muslims, who mostly agreed that they had been friends and neighbors with people of the other faiths, until Imperialists, such as the British came in to foment conflict, and divide one group from another. Being born Jewish, having embraced Christianity in monasteries in Europe and embraced Islam near the tomb of the Prophet Ibrahim, Father if all 3 faiths, she was guided to pray in the Masjid al Aqsa one day and she was overwhelmed by the power of Light and Grace in that amazing blessed place, which she came to realize that was to have been filled with a vast assembly of Prophets and Messengers o\of God , praying behind their Imam , the Prophet Muhammad (saw) on the blessed night of Isra and Mi'raj. What was most significant to her about this illuminated space, and what was believed too have occurred there, is that all the Prophets  who brought to humanity the messages of all the monotheistic religions were united in one Divine aAssembly there.  The realization of the unity of all the Prophets and the messages that they brought, sent to humanity by one God, is what humankind needs to realize in  order to end and heal the conflicts endangering the world and its citizens, so called in the name of religion, while ultimately incited by imperialistic agendas.

The spiritual journey then led Maryam to the eminent and highly respected Sufi Master, M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, who established a Fellowship community which continues to thrive today, some 35 years after his passing.  After Bawa Muhaiyaddeen left this world in 1986, she continued to study with a succession of teachers, and spiritual Masters, becoming a teacher, counselor, advisor in her own right,. She has come to be known as a highly respected, empowered and resonant voice within Muslim community as well as the extended Interfaith and Holistic Spiritual Community. Her message transcends the limits of  religious differences and political separations. Hers is a call to reclaim the deepest aspects of our shared humanity. Having made over 15 deeply integrating trips to Africa, her message of Unitive Consciousness, Peace and Restorative Justice is more relevant now than ever. 

In a world seemingly void of meaningful and viable solutions, her presence and  personal insight offer a fresh, essential, vivifying  message of Unity and Peacemaking. It can certainly be said that this is 'the moment'… when such resonant, illumined and illuminating voices, are most needed and sought after.

Sheikha Maryam Kabeer is available to be interviewed regarding Islamic spirituality, Interfaith Peacemaking, the role of Women in Islam, Unifying Teachings throughout spiritual and religious traditions or topics as they relate to resolving the current crisis we face in the Middle East.

To contact or schedule an interview please contact her at eternalblessingsandpeace@gmail.com.

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Name: Sheikha Maryam Kabeer
Dateline: Philadelphia, PA United States
Direct Phone: 215-605-3944
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