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As We Celebrate The Anniversary Of Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness, New Book Asks 'Are We Truly Happy?'
Debbie LaChusa, The Business Stylist Debbie LaChusa, The Business Stylist
San Diego, CA
Monday, July 2, 2012

Book Cover
SAN DIEGO, Calif. – The Declaration of Independence promises us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Debbie LaChusa, author of Breaking the Spell: The Truth about Money, Success, and the Pursuit of Happiness (www.BreakingTheSpellBook.com), argues the pursuit of happiness has led millions of people to become spellbound, believing they need to be, do, or have more in order to be happy. LaChusa's research suggests the advertising industry; plastic surgery and weight loss industries, social media, the self-help industry, and even reality television are responsible for perpetuating this spell. Americans spend billions of dollars each year to make more money, buy bigger houses, lose weight, look younger, and achieve more success, yet research shows despite economic growth over the past 60 years we're not happier.

LaChusa's book details how we are conditioned from the time we're children to achieve, beginning with competitive youth sports and the coveted gold stars on our homework. "I'll be happy when syndrome" as LaChusa calls it is in full force by high school, with the entire focus being on getting into college. "By the time we're adults, future focus is our way of life," says LaChusa. She believes this preoccupation with being, doing, and having more is responsible for unhappiness and disappointment and many of the economic disasters that have rocked our world in recent years, including corporate scandals and the collapse of the real estate, mortgage, and financial services industries. She believes it is necessary to break this spell in order to find happiness and heal our world, and Breaking the Spell offers suggestions for how to do this.

LaChusa spent seven years and $200,000 in her own pursuit of more before realizing she was on a virtual wild goose chase. Despite becoming a vice president in her thirties, building three successful businesses and becoming a millionaire in her forties, and speaking internationally and sharing the stage with celebrity teachers from The Secret, she realized she was still chasing more. This prompted her to research and write Breaking the Spell: The Truth about Money, Success, and the Pursuit of Happiness. To request a review copy of the book in paperback, Kindle e-book, or PDF format, or to schedule an interview with LaChusa, please email debbie@debbielachusa.com or call 619-334-8590 or 619-840-8619. To download the first chapter for free, please visit www.MoneySuccessHappiness.com.

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Name: Debbie LaChusa
Title: Founder and President
Group: The Business Stylist
Direct Phone: 619-334-8590
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