Clarence Earl Gideon and Obama are linked says Fla. Foot Doctor
On the 50th anniversary of the important U.S. Supreme Court ruling, in Gideon v. Wainwright, Dr. Burton S. Schuler, a podiatrist from Panama City, Fl, has discovered a historic link between Clarence Earl Gideon and President Obama. This link evolves around one exact date, August 4, 1961.
On August 4, 1961, Clarence Earl Gideon went on trial in Panama City Fl, for breaking and entering, the Bay Harbor Pool Room in Panama City. At the time of the trial Gideon requested that the court supply him with a lawyer to help defend him. In 1961 the courts of Florida as other states were not obligated to supply a lawyer to a defendant. Hence Judge Robert McCrary denied his request. Because of this Gideon was then forced to represent himself at trial, The results of this was he, was found guilty, and sentenced to five years in the Florida state prison .
Please click link below to see a copy of the hand written jury verdict form finding Gideon guilty, dated August 4, 1961 While in prison Gideon appealed his guilty verdict. His appeal went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Gideon won his appeal on March 18, 1963. The landmark ruling handed down by the court in Gideon v. Wainwright, (83 S.Ct. 792) guarantees that every defendant in a criminal case must be given a lawyer even if they cannot afford one.
Dr. Schuler says
" it is universal accepted that "Gideon" was and is one of the major constitutional cases of our time, and it all started on August 4, 1961, when he was found guilty in the Bay County, Fla. court "
Part of the Supreme Court ruling was that Gideon was to be retried for the robbery that he was found guilt of on August 4, 1961. At the new trial he was represented by a Panama City lawyer named Fred Turner. Gideon was found not guilty at the second trail because of Turner. Turner later became a Judge. Dr. Schuler who has lived in Panama City for 29 years knew Judge Turner. Turner, who was aware of Schuler's interest in the Gideon case, gave him a copy of the famous jury verdict form. Judge Turner died in 2003.
President Obama, connection with August 4, 1961 is much less complicated than Gideon's but just as important. You see on August 4, 1961, at 7:24 p.m. in Honolulu Hawaii, Barack Obama was born.
"I found it amazing that the genesis of one of the most important constitutional cases of all time and the birth of our current President took place on the same day".
Dr. Schuler also said he had he own personal reason for being very partial to August 4, 1961; because it was his eleventh birthday. Schuler said "you can make this stuff up. I was interested in the Gideon case for years before I got the document from Judge Turner telling me the first trial was held on August 4th, 1961; and then the odds of you having the same birthday of a President is one out of 365."
Clarence Earl Gideon and President Barack Obama never met, but are linked in history by one Friday in the first week of August 1961. Without knowing it, each one did something on that date that had major importants in the history of this country.
Dr. Burton S. Schuler of Panama City, Fl has been a foot doctor-podiatrist for 38 years He is a leading authority on the Mortons Toe, Long Second Toe and it associated problems. He is the author of the 2009 book about The Morton’s Toe, Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In the Foot. The book is published by the La Luz Press, Inc and is disturbed national by the Cardinal Publishing Group. In 1982, he published his first book, The Agony of De-Feet: A Podiatrist Guide to Foot Care. He has numerous other videos about foot problems on you tube