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Award-winning business owner motivates women to become momtrepreneurs
Tobi Kosanke -- Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products_ LLC Tobi Kosanke -- Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products_ LLC
Hempstead, TX
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Inventor/Self-Made Business Success Offers Lectures to Motivate Moms Who are Missing Out

Hempstead, TX – An award-winning Texas business owner is on a new mission. As if being a full-time mom, wife, business owner and caretaker to a 200+ animal rescue farm weren't enough – Tobi Kosanke is expanding her ever-increasing duties to help others with the same can-do attitude she has. Along with presentations and lectures on Off-The-Job Safety, Dr. Kosanke now offers speaking engagements that motivate women who feel that they are missing out on their children's lives – or who have children with special needs – to become stay-at-home momtrepreneurs.

Over the past few years, Kosanke has built a hobby into an award-winning pet products manufacturing company. Amazingly, her road to business ownership is one she never intended to take. An oil patch geologist with a Ph.D., Kosanke was well into her career with a major oil company when she was blessed with a special-needs daughter. Supervisors had always afforded her the opportunity to work a flexible schedule. Then, she got a new boss.

"I telecommuted in order to care of an ill child until a manager forced me to choose between my career and my child," Kosanke said. "I chose my child – and returned to my roots, reinventing myself as a stay-at-home momtrepreneur."

But Kosanke wears a lot more than just one or two hats. Along with being a wife, and caring for a daughter and 200+ animals, she is also a long time pet products inventor. With a combination of self-funding and loans, Kosanke turned her hobby of inventing items to increase the quality of her cats', parrots' and chickens' lives into a thriving business called Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products LLC http://www.crazykfarm.com).

"Through hard work, persistence, self-education, coaching from the small business development center, and a rabid emphasis on branding, marketing and customer service, I have grown Crazy K Farm from its humble origins as a manufacturer of one-off items sold on eBay – into an award-winning business with a successful internet store, and two of my inventions are patented," Kosanke said. "My products are manufactured by the tens of thousands in Bangladesh and sold to pet owners and retail stores in the United States, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom, and Australia – even Dubai."

While Kosanke has built a successful home-based business, she has continued to gain national recognition as a working stay-at-home mom on a mission. Recognized by StartupNation as a Top 10 Leading Moms in Business winner, Kosanke was among thousands of contestants in the 2010 competition. Her story was also highlighted in a special series on women who once climbed corporate ladders before leaving to run their own show http://www.startupnation.com/series/154/9634/working-mom-leaving-corporate-america.htm) She and her daughter, Jemma, have graced the cover of Jewish Woman Magazine in a special look at women who have reinvented themselves, and WE Magazine for Women has listed Kosanke in its Hall of Fame. As the awards continue to add up, Kosanke is determined to help others break new ground, and blaze a path to success just as she has.

"I come from a long line of self-educated businessmen and feisty domestic divas. I broke with family tradition to become the first woman to go to college, and the first person in several generations to work for people I was not related to," Kosanke said. "When customers started calling me to ask me how I did it, I knew that there was a dearth of information available for women who want to start a business while staying home to care for their children. I am here to help encourage them to be able to do both."

As part of her talks, Kosanke discusses: the questions women should ask themselves before leaving their jobs to start an at-home business, how to start a business on a shoestring budget, financing options, intellectual property rights, branding and marketing, etc. More information can be found online at http://www.crazykfarm.com Media inquiries and speaking engagement requests can be directed to (800) 980-4165.

About Crazy K Farm®

Crazy K Farm® http://www.crazykfarm.com) is located in Hempstead, TX approximately 45 miles northwest of Houston. Chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, goats and sheep are raised on the 35-acre working farm. The majority of the animals are rescues. Crazy K Farm® manufactures quality pet and poultry products including the patented Hen Saver® hen apron and Avian Haven® hut for caged birds, and the patent-pending Kitty Holster® cat harness. The company has quickly grown from its humble origins as a manufacturer of pre-paid, made-to-order items sold solely via a personal eBay account, to products being manufactured by the tens of thousands and sold in stores across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Crazy K Farm, which is a three-time StartupNation business competition winning company, is also a member of the Houston Better Business Bureau and the American Pet Products Association.



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Tobi Kosanke, Ph.D.
Title: President
Group: Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products
Dateline: Hempstead, TX United States
Direct Phone: 800-980-4165
Cell Phone: 281-380-4450
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