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Baby Boomers: Dominating the Entrepreneurial Scene Both Online and Offline
ReadySetBOOM.com   America's No.1 Local Business Growth Accelerator ReadySetBOOM.com America's No.1 Local Business Growth Accelerator
Stamford, CT
Thursday, July 12, 2012

 With over 160 million Americans using Facebook, it is easy to assume our world is dominated by the younger internet-savvy generation. But in the case of innovation and entrepreneurship, that could not be more false. Recent studies are showing Baby Boomers now boast the highest growth rate of entrepreneurship in America, leaving the 20-to-34 demographic behind with the lowest rate.

How can we explain it?

"There is a wide range of individual, economic, and societal benefits for the Baby Boomers to start new businesses," says William Zinke, Founder and President of the Center of Productive Longevity. "People are living longer, yet often retiring earlier, and recent AARP studies confirm that 80 percent of Baby Boomers indicate their intent to continue working after leaving regular career jobs."

According to a recent article published by Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN), Boomers have accumulated the knowledge, experience, and savings to help shape businesses that match their passions, needs and skills. With the window wide open for Boomers, the pressure to assimilate into the online world is resulting in increases of online businesses.

"Online business is a real business," says Rich Scheferen, Founder and CEO of Strategic Profits. "If you're going to succeed online, the first thing you need to do is choose the right niche that plays to your particular strengths."

Scheferen is a prime example of a Boomer dominating the online entrepreneurial scene. As a successful entrepreneur both online and offline, he is known as the "coach to the gurus," catering to the who's who in online marketing. As an expert contributor for the Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN) Pantheon of Boomer Experts, he contributed his expertise on developing an online business in today's online world. Together with BBRN Founder, Richard Roll, they provide unparalleled insight, advice, and guidance to BBRN members. With BBRN's free membership, Boomers have access to a network of pre-screened, trustworthy service providers addressing a diverse range of needs, such as how to plan for retirement, individual retirement plans, and retirement savings plans.

BBRN Founder and Chairman Richard J. Roll is a nationally known consumer finance expert, Harvard MBA, and best-selling author (with Hugh Downs) in the field of retirement planning. As an acknowledged expert/thought leader on Baby Boomer retirement issues, and an energetic media guest, he has been interviewed by hundreds of the nation's leading media, such as CNBC, MSNBC, Money Magazine, WSJ and Forbes. Richard and his team of expert coaches provide inspiration, guidance, and trustworthy solutions for all the issues Baby Boomers are facing today, from finances to fitness to fulfillment, and everything in between. In his upcoming new book, The 7 Rules of Retirement, and through BBRN's Ultimate Retirement GPS Solution home-study course, he guides every Boomer to their own personalized Roadmap and Greatest Possible Scenario ("GPS") for the comfortable retirement they want and deserve.

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Visit www.BabyBoomersRetirementNetwork.com to learn more about BBRN and sign up for the free BBRN Newsletter, The Boomer Beat. You can also follow BBRN on Twitter (@BBRetirement) and Facebook (Rethink Retirement).

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Richard Roll
Title: Chairman
Group: Baby Boomers Retirement Network
Dateline: Southport, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-253-7077
Main Phone: 203-253-7077
Cell Phone: 203-253-7077
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