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Baby Boomers Retirement Network Expert: How to Parent Adult Children
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Stamford, CT
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Contact: Courtney Curtis
Phone: (203) 216-7749 

Baby Boomers Retirement Network Expert Reveals Handbook for Parenting Adult Children

Stamford, CT – Parenting has never been an easy task, but parenting an "adult child" can be virtually impossible if you fail to approach conflict effectively. Add to that the increasing dependence by adult children on their parents for financial support, and Baby Boomers often find themselves wishing for a how-to handbook on later-stage parenting. With help from parenting guru Jody Johnston Pawel, Baby Boomers are now closer than ever to having that mythical handbook.

Baby Boomers – those born between 1946 and 1964 – are making continuing sacrifices of their own financial security and retirement planning initiatives to support their adult children.

"Nearly 10,000 Baby Boomers are reaching the age of 65 every day," says BBRN Founder Richard Roll. "Instead of focusing on their own plans for retirement, they are caught up supporting their 'adult children' financially, emotionally, and even physically. Whether children are still living at home, in need of financial support, or generally lacking the necessary skills to live on their own, millions of Boomers are facing a multitude of parenting problems with few obvious solutions."

Amidst the mass of parenting advice clutter, Jody Johnston Pawel's Universal Blueprint for Parenting Success offers parents valuable steps to assessing conflict and devising solutions, even punishments, for their adult children. In a recent interview with BBRN, Jody revealed her previously well-kept secret formula, consisting of three questions and five simple steps, to help Boomers struggling with adult child relationships.

"When problems arise, first break them down," advises Pawel. She prompts parents to distinguish between conflicts that are "their problem" and conflicts that are the child's problem. "Adult children are ultimately responsible for their own school, work, emotions, relationships, and peer responsibilities. While they need to resolve these problems, your role (as a parent) is to be supportive and guide them through the process of making and taking responsibility for their own decisions."

According to a recent study conducted by Ameriprise Financial, Boomers prioritize their family's needs over their own. 93 percent of Boomers surveyed have provided support to their adult children in the form of college tuition payments, car payments, or assistance with living expenses. "With younger children, some of these are rights," says Jody, "but as adults, they are clearly privileges that you have the power to revoke."

Jody Johnston Pawel has joined more than 60 other nationally recognized experts on the Baby Boomers Retirement Pantheon of Boomer Experts. Together with BBRN Founder, Richard Roll, they provide unparalleled insight, advice, and guidance to BBRN members. With BBRN's free membership, the site at www.mybbrn.com gives Boomers access to a network of pre-screened, trustworthy service providers addressing a diverse range of needs, such as how to plan for retirement, individual retirement plans, and retirement savings plans.

BBRN Founder and Chairman Richard J. Roll is a nationally known consumer finance expert, Harvard MBA, and best-selling author (with Hugh Downs) in the field of retirement planning. As an acknowledged expert/thought leader on Baby Boomer retirement issues, and an energetic media guest, he has been interviewed by hundreds of the nation's leading media, such as CNBC, MSNBC, Money Magazine, WSJ and Forbes. Richard and his team of expert coaches provide inspiration, guidance, and trustworthy solutions for all the issues Baby Boomers are facing today, from finances to fitness to fulfillment, and everything in between. In his upcoming new book, The 7 Rules of Retirement, and through BBRN's Ultimate Retirement GPS Solution home-study course,
he guides every Boomer to their own personalized Roadmap and Greatest Possible Scenario ("GPS") for the comfortable retirement they want and deserve.

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Name: Richard Roll
Title: Chairman
Group: Baby Boomers Retirement Network
Dateline: Southport, CT United States
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