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Back to School Means Home Staging Career for Mom
Debra Gould - Home Staging Expert Debra Gould - Home Staging Expert
Toronto, ON
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back to School
This is the season when children are heading back to school and moms are all of the sudden finding they actually have several free hours in the day. Staging Diva Debra Gould advises mothers on the Home Staging Business Report blog  to take advantage of the down time and start their own home staging business to bring the focus back to their talents while at the same time bring home extra cash.

"Many moms are preparing to send their children off to preschool or kindergarten who are sick about it," says Gould. "Some will be returning to an empty, quiet house for the first time since having children and will begin to wonder what their purpose is now that their kids are back to school. Others are suddenly faced with an empty nest after sending their kids off to college."

As founder of the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program, Gould urges women in this position to find something else to define themselves besides solely being a mother. While Gould believes that being a mom is the most important job there is, she also believes that women need something else in their lives that brings them joy and a sense of fulfillment.

"With the economy the way it is, most of us also need to earn some extra cash. With only limited time to make money, it's important to have a flexible career that will pay well," Gould says.

As an example, Gould says that home stagers earn 5 to 10 times more per hour than many service businesses. So while the kids are back to school, a mom could make $500 or more in a single day, giving decorating and home staging advice.

"A home staging career gives people with natural decorating talent a positive focus in their lives," Gould says. "It's fulfilling work because we help people going through the often difficult transition of selling their home, but we also have full control over our schedules to be there for our family when they need us."

According to Gould, many graduates of the Staging Diva Training Program are moms whose kids have gone back to school, giving them the time and freedom to follow their own dreams. Gould has included some of their stories in a free report, "Ask Staging Diva: Can a regular person like me become a successful home stager?" available on the Staging Diva website.

About Staging Diva

The creator of the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program, Debra Gould has staged millions of dollars' worth of real estate, including 7 of her own homes. She is the president of Voice of Possibility Group Inc., which operates a home staging division, SixElements.com, in addition to StagingDiva.com, which has trained over 7,000 home stagers to start and grow their own businesses.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Debra Gould, The Staging Diva
Title: President
Group: Voice of Possibility Group Inc.
Dateline: Toronto, ON Canada
Direct Phone: 416-691-6615
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