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Bank Vice President reveals Money Laundering, Identity Theft, Bank Fraud in new book:
John Cruz --  World Banking World Fraud John Cruz -- World Banking World Fraud
Monday, November 14, 2011

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Bank Vice President reveals Money Laundering,

Identity Theft, Bank Fraud in new book:

World Banking World Fraud, Using Your Identity, Available now at Amazon.com

Whistleblower Lawsuit

NEW YORK ? John Cruz just released his book claiming he was terminated from HSBC after discovering and subsequently refusing to ignore repeated instances of fraud, money laundering and identity theft. He is now coming forward with documented findings in, ?World Banking World Fraud, Using Your Identity.? (ISBN 146378659X)

Cruz first became aware of the fraud when he was named VP & senior business relationship manager over some of HSBC?s highest producing branches on Long Island. There he learned that several high earning managers at HSBC were so effective because they were establishing fraudulent accounts. He says he discovered and documented multiple phantom businesses with active accounts, but was explicitly told by management and internal security to forget what he saw.

Cruz continued uncovering cases of blatant fraud at HSBC. He says his documented findings included falsified tax returns, identity theft, phony company creation, falsified notarized documents, illegal money transfers, wires, cash withdrawals and excessive loan charge-offs to straw companies.

?What I realized pretty quickly was that this wasn?t just a one-time thing, or the activities of a few people,? Cruz recently said. ?What I found at HSBC was systemic and international. I wrote ?World Banking World Fraud, Using Your Identity? because no company should be above the law, no matter how much money it has.?

As Cruz puts it, he worked his way up the corporate banking ladder, only to learn that sometimes telling the truth and upholding the law can ruin your life. He believes that when he discovered money laundering, bank fraud and identity theft in a major international bank, his American dream was cut short.

World Banking World Fraud, Using Your Identity? is an insider?s story that Cruz says exposes the evidence of illegal bank practices common during his time at HSBC, including how management laundered money and worked to evade prosecution.

?World Banking World Fraud, Using your Identity? is now available on Amazon.


John Cruz

Email: john@worldbankingworldfraud.com

Website: www.worldbankingworldfraud.com

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Name: John Cruz
Dateline: Longmont, CO United States
Direct Phone: 631-504-9510
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