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Be Electrific - How do I do that?
Carolyn Finch -- Body Language Expert Carolyn Finch -- Body Language Expert
Danbury, CT
Friday, December 5, 2008

Carolyn Finch, MS SLP
Be Electrific! ? How Do I Do That?

I?m burned out, boy is he wired, we were shocked, she wore Electric Blue. We?re going on vacation to recharge our batteries. Most people use electricity terms and don?t even realize it. These are just a few of the words used to express the ?something? that tells us we have electricity within. Our bodies are like car batteries. They need electrical charges that are negative and positive, water and trace minerals to create a spark. Without those components the battery will not work, nor will your body. Health problems, be it foot, gallbladder, back, thyroid or heart are an indication that electricity is weakening within the body and should be addressed before complications arise. When all the electricity is flowing properly within your body and you feel terrific you are Electrific! When you do not feel this way you may seek out the following:

Today?s Medical Doctor:

1. Examines and makes a diagnosis using standard medical exams and equipment.

2. Determines diseases and intervenes with treatments.

3. Prescribes medication according to Pharmaceutical protocol.

4. Is primarily trained for understanding disease and emergency care.

5. Usually treats symptoms. A surgeon or specialist might treat the cause.

Today?s Holistic Doctor/Practitioner:

1. Analyzes the body structurally, metabolically and/or nutritionally and asks WHY.

2. Discovers weaknesses of various body organs and feeds/adjusts them appropriately.

3. Assesses the PH of the body (acid-alkaline balance) - you should be more alkaline.

4. Suggests Life Balance changes and/or referrals to MDs. and other Specialists.

5. Treats the entire body: Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually.

Today?s Self Healer

1. Understands how their own body works and uses prevention methods including - PH testing and decrease of mucus causing foods: wheat, milk, sugar and corn products.

2. Gets 15 minutes of sunshine/outdoor air daily for electricity flow. (Car window open)

3. Exercises 15 to 30 minutes or more a day so food and supplements are absorbed into the body.

4. Thumps breast bone with fist to stimulate the thymus and antibodies when weak.

5. Drinks water (1/2 your weight in ounces) a day to create electrical charges in the brain (water is the only liquid that can create charges.) and lubricate the organs.

The nervous system of the body is like the electrical-wiring of a house. If proper amounts of electricity are flowing without interruptions, there are no problems. When too much is happening in our lives and we are stressed, we overload our ?sockets? and our breaker blows. Imbalances in the body and the cause can usually be detected through skilled observation of Body Language and through techniques of Applied Kinesiology. An assessment can change lives. For now, eat ?electrical foods which have color, (See Electrical foods on You Tube). Have a positive Body Language posture, be bright, smile, send light, let the energy flow and feel terrific!

You are now Electrific!

Side bar:

There is much to choose from in Health treatments and prevention. Align yourself with Practitioners and Doctors who can work with you and be open- minded to the fact that you would like to be in control of who you are and know the symptoms and causes. You want to get well and stay well. So be the captain of your ship and put the team to work to help you. Most of all don?t forget to work at it, work at it and work at it! That?s how you will Be Electrific!

If you?d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Carolyn Finch call Diana Duhamel at 203-791-2756 or e-mail Diana at carolyn@carolynfinch.com
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Name: Carolyn Finch
Group: Electrific Solutions
Dateline: Southbury, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-725-3133
Cell Phone: 203-512-4798
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