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Beat the Incumbent Performing Well on Amazon
Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant
Friday, January 24, 2025



Zurich, Switzerland- After the election is before the next election. That's why the book "Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Election" by Dr. Louis Perron has been consistently in the top 200 books in the category election books on Amazon

Incumbents enjoy significant advantages with respect to funding, awareness and the ability to get media attention. "As a result, it's difficult to overcome all the advantages that an incumbent has and win an election as a challenger," says Louis Perron, PhD, political strategist and author of Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections (Radius Book Group).


For more than a decade, Dr. Perron has orchestrated political campaigns around the globe and helped candidates win dozens of elections, from big city mayors to presidents. With each election, voters may be unhappy with the status quo but changes to it can be just as difficult to vote for. But there are ripe weaknesses of the incumbent for challenger candidates to exploit while building their own value in a voter's eyes.


Across the political spectrum, Dr. Perron prepares campaign staffers and opposition candidates—new to politics and those looking to run for higher office—to challenge the incumbent with this essential guide.

Dr. ? Perron's specific measures include how to:

  • Build a top-notch campaign team;
  • Structure the campaign's decision-making process;
  • Define your target audience;
  • Develop your campaign message and slogan;
  • Run effective political advertising;
  • Engage in new alliances;
  • Increase mass media presence;
  • Leverage the pros and cons of social media;
  • Attack incumbent's broken promises;
  • Neutralize your weaknesses and maximize your strengths;
  • And many more to plan a winning campaign.

Among Dr. Perron's practical and direct advice, what may be his most valuable chapter is When Everything Hits the Fan and the Fan Breaks Down, a crash course in crisis management for anyone running for office. As his clients can personally attest, campaigns can turn ugly and the competition can play dirty in all avenues including taking aim at questionable relationships, drug and alcohol use, corruption, as well as discrimination toward age, race, class, and religious belief. Whether accusations are true or false, he shares indispensable insights on how to fight against attacks that have sunk many candidates.


But that is not all. Aspiring candidates and campaign strategists may have many other concerns that Beat the Incumbent addresses.


Concerned about your mediocre public speaking? Dr. Perron coaches how you can deliver effective speeches, win debates, and electrify crowds at rallies as well as through the screen.


Concerned and overwhelmed about your lack of experience? Dr. Perron points out all the factors for new politicians to keep in mind including how inexperience has become less important and how new blood gets more interest from the media in fact.


The Washington Examiner called Beat The Incumbent in a review "An accessible but detailed expert guide to the nuts and bolts of successfully challenging incumbents.

Are you looking for an edge to win your election? What better time to test Dr. Perron's method. Pick up Beat the Incumbent and revolutionize your campaign today.

Dr. Perron has been featured on C-SPAN, Newsweek, USA Today, RealClearPolitics and many others. For more information, or to schedule an interview with Dr. Louis Perron, please contact Kevin McVicker at Shirley & McVicker Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or kmcvicker@shirleyandmcvicker.com.

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Name: Dr. Louis Perron
Group: Perron Campaigns
Dateline: Zurich, None Switzerland
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