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Bedtime Mishaps for Toddlers and Children-The Answer
Thomas and Bonnie Liotta -- The Parent Helpers Thomas and Bonnie Liotta -- The Parent Helpers
Seattle, WA
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bedtime Battles
Video Clip: Click to Watch
It is normal for toddlers, young children and teenagers to be manipulative when it is time do something they have to do but don't want to. When it comes to bedtime we have seen many horror videos on YouTube about bedtime mishaps with toddlers and young children. It is easy to see that if the parents took a different, new and loving approach in guiding their children's behavior verses traditional outdated punishment techniques, they would be able to create the success at bedtime that all parents are looking to create.

Below Are 3 Positive Parenting Strategies for a Peaceful Bedtime with Your Toddler or Young Child.

1. Teach your child the life skill of going to bed.

This includes laying out a step-by-step process of bedtime. For example, 1. Take a bath. 2. Put pajamas on. 3. Read a story. 4. Crawl into bed. If your children share a room, or a bed, take the time to teach them a correct process for getting into the bed.

2. Ask your child pre-framing questions leading up to bedtime.

If something goes wrong, don't get caught up in bad behavior, stay focused on the task at hand by asking good questions. "Little Timmy, what should you be doing right now?" Or "Do you want to go to bed now or in 5 minutes from now?"

3. Know the reward.

Know what is important to your child and you will always have fuel to get their complete cooperation. Too many times we tell our children, "It's bedtime because I said so." When you focus on something that is important to the child, like their time at the park the next day, the child feels validated and loved: "Little Timmy, when you go to bed on time you earn more time at the park tomorrow."

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Name: Thomas and Bonnie Liotta
Title: Founder, CIO
Group: Creating Champions for Life
Dateline: Seattle, WA United States
Main Phone: (206)262-7340
Cell Phone: (206)391-0223 NIS
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