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Better Sex through Deeper Emotional Intimacy
Michael J. Mayer -- Licensed Psychologist - Consultant Michael J. Mayer -- Licensed Psychologist - Consultant
Columbia, MO
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

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Sexual happiness has always been a quest in meaningful relationships. The focus for this happiness has, generally, been on improving the sexual response to the partner I have worked for over thirty years as a psychologist with couples in various stages of a serious relationship. Sex as well as communication and finances were the top three complaints when things were going wrong in their relationship. This experience of working with couples has taught me that emotional closeness is the key component to continued sexual fulfillment. Emotional intimacy within a relationship often loses its significance and as a result adds to more sexual frustration in the relationship. The best sexual intimacy has a deep level of emotional intimacy as its catalyst.I have written a book,? Better Sex through Deeper Emotional Intimacy?, that addresses nine dynamics, that when practiced, greatly enhances the sexual response within the relationship. These dynamics are not new but they have not been taught as a group to those thinking about or are currently relating to a significant person of their choice. When practiced, these nine dynamics can enhance both your emotional and sexual levels of satisfaction. Yes, these dynamics are for both men and women. Take your relationship to the next level. Check out the book on my web site www.mikemayer.com or on Amazon.com See the reviews
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Name: Michael J. Mayer
Title: Psychologist/Consultant
Group: Michael J. Mayer -- Licensed Psychologist/Consultant
Dateline: Columbia, MO United States
Direct Phone: 573-443-1177
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