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Better Than Time Management
Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness
Sitllwater, MN
Monday, February 7, 2011

Management, schmanagement. Most people, including me, have no business "managing time" because the far more important work of aligning with real values and interests hasn't been done. "Time management techniques become a replacement for the hard choices we all confront in our quest to live well with less work," says Tony Signorelli, author, blogger, and speaker at www.newrulesofselfemployment.com. "And it does not matter what your 'work' is—the same principles apply."

"The Five New Rules of Personal Productivity set up a process to help each of us streamline our activities and shave off all the wasted time in our lives—time spent doing unimportant, stupid things like answering inane email, being distracted by the news of the day, or doing work that is not important and easily automated." Here are the five keys:

Five New Rules of Personal Productivity

· PRIORITIZE your activities so that the really important stuff comes first—in your work and in your life.

· ELIMINATE time-sucking activities and habits that feel important but don't really matter.

· AUTOMATE important but low value work.

· DELEGATE and utilize virtual assistants.

· BATCH organize your work.

"The Five New Rules of Personal Productivity set up a process to help each of us streamline our activities and shave off all the wasted time in our lives—time spent doing unimportant, stupid things."

Signorelli is a consultant in sales force effectiveness, and author of two books and many articles. Information is available at his website: www.newrulesofselfemployment.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Anthony Signorelli
Title: Principal Consultant
Dateline: Sitllwater, MN United States
Direct Phone: 651-340-2196
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