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Bitcoin Hit the $1 Trillion Market Cap Milestone Twice as Fast as Amazon and Three Times Faster than Apple, Data Shows
Greg Womack -- Oklahoma Financial Adviser Greg Womack -- Oklahoma Financial Adviser
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Oklahoma City, OK
Monday, April 19, 2021



What took Microsoft 44 years, Apple 42 years, Amazon 24years and Google 21?  The answer: achieving a trillion dollar marketcapitalization.  However, it took the Bitcoin cryptocurrency just 12 – thefastest ever.  

At the beginning of 2021, Bitcoin had a marketcapitalization of $500 billion, but in just four months it has gained another$500 billion as tech CEO’s like Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey have made sizableinvestments, multiple exchange-traded funds are preparing to launch, theCoinBase cryptocurrency exchange has gone public, and many legacy financialinstitutions like PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, JP Morgan and the Bank of New YorkMellon have come on board.  The only question now seems to be, “How longtill the next trillion?”  As they say on the WallStreetBets Reddit messageboard, “To the Moon!” (Chart from visualcapitalist.com)

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Womack Investment Advisers, Inc.


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Phone (405) 340-1717 - Toll Free (877) 340-1717 

 Website:  www.womackadvisers.com

Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. (WIA) is a registered investment adviser whose principal office is located in Oklahoma. Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. is also registered in the State of California, the State of Illinois, the State of Indiana, and the State of Texas. WIA only transacts business in sates where it is properly registered, or excluded, or exempted from registration requirements.

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Name: Greg Womack
Title: President
Group: Womack Investment Advisers
Dateline: Edmond, OK United States
Direct Phone: 405-340-1717
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