Saturday, November 15, 2014
The relationship between Brix, Bacteria, Carbohydrates, Minerals, Pests and Foliar Sprayings The Radio show that covers this article is available here "If the Bug does not attack the plant, The plant will not get the disease that the bug is spreading. The pest will not attack the plant if a certain type of complex carbohydrate is present in high enough levels." Invisible Gardener There is a relationship between The Brix level of a plant and its ability to hold off pests and diseases. What is that? By using Foliar spraying you can raise the Brix level of a plant within a short period of time and thru regular applications you can keep the Brix levels up and avoid pests and the diseases they carry. A healthy tree rich in minerals and low in carbohydrates will not get attacked by pests and will therefore not get that disease associated with that pest. You use a refractometer to get a Brix level reading. You read the crushed leaves for it's "juice". The Brix level will tell you the measurement of plant sugar level of the plant. This will also tell you what the complex carbohydrate level is, and will also show you the mineral levels. The Key to pest and disease control is that the higher the Mineral levels the lower the simple Carbohydrate levels of a certain type while the plant still maintains high complex carbohydrate levels ( for more information on the carbohydrates and plants and the many different types of carbohydrates please go here to wikipedia.). Insects use simple carbohydrates as their energy source. A certain type of complex carbohydrate is produced when high mineral levels are present over when low mineral levels which produces simple cabohydrates. So certain types of complex carbohydrates cannot be metabolize by insects for their energy needs and it is this complex carbohydrate the plant produces if it has access to all its mineral needs for it to grow and build. So High levels of complex carbohydrates produces Low levels of other types more digestible simple carbohydrates. Low levels of complex carbohydrates produces high levels of the simple more digestible carbohydrates. It is these complex Carbohydrates levels in plants that makes them a poor source of energy for insects, while high levels of the simple carbohydrates are a much better source of food for them. What is Foliar spraying applications? It is a method of applying nutrition and minerals as well as natural pest and disease controls to the leaves of plants.? Nutrition can be applied to plants thru the method known as foliar spray applications. This is when you mix either an organic fertilizer or some other type of organic product with water and you then spray the leaves or other parts of the plant. By doing this you have allowed the plants to absorb what you put into the water directly into their system, much like what happens when you place something on your skin and it is absorbed into your body. Any thing you spray the plant will affect the plant by either providing nutrients needed by the plant with for its food production or by protecting the plant from attacking pest or disease. Pests and Diseases can be controlled by foliar sprayings of organic and or natural mixtures. For example milk is excellent for foliar sprays because not only does it provide the plant with calcium from the milk but it also controls many varieties of diseases. Foliar spray applications is also a useful tool in raising the Brix levels of plants. All Plants including trees love to be sprayed with a good natural foliar spray. Seaweed is very good for them, as is fish emulsion (without urea). Making a milk out of rock dust is also very good for them. This provides them with many natural trace minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc., or the many great natural enzyme products like, Nitron, Agri-Gro are good also. Acadie is a good trace mineral/bacterial spray for trees. Superseaweed is an excellent overall seaweed concentrate to use. Provides trace minerals and bacteria. Use only 10 drops per gallon. Follow instructions on all labels. There are many natural products on the market these days. Choose carefully what you will use for the trees, ask questions, avoid using chemicals. Follow the Law of the little bit when spraying. If you are uncertain about the amount to spray, spray less, more often. Foliar spraying is a short term solution and applying rock dust is a long term solution. Without the presence of bacteria , the minerals will not be available. That is the purpose of making compost! Bring the minerals and bacteria together! Andy Lopez Invisible Gardener Any questions? Email me
Andy Lopez - The Invisible Gardener --- Click on image to go his website.