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Build Muscles Faster With a Little Help From a Pre-Workout Supplement
Joe Lorenz ---  Bodybuilding Pre Workout Supplements Joe Lorenz --- Bodybuilding Pre Workout Supplements
Plymouth, MI
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Joe Lorenz is the founder of Real Sports Labs which produces a powerful performance enhancement supplement called The Real Deal.
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If you are a body builder then you'll no doubt want more results from your workouts. Do you know how to maximize your time in the gym? There's no need to use steroids or other illegal products. It's possible to get the body you want using natural products with a little help from Mother Nature.

There are several supplement ingredients that can safely improve your workout and give you the positive impact with all the healthy benefits. Some are better than others. To help bodybuilders, weight trainers and athletes to make an informed choice the researchers at Real Sports Labs found the most useful ingredients and created The Real Deal pre-workout supplement. The Real Deal contains: Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine, Creatine, Branch Chain Amino Acids, Caffeine, Electrolytes, and Xyliltol.

What are the results?

23 year old body builder Ryan Heary of Traverse City, Michigan wanted to improve his workouts after he reached a plateau. Heary knew that in order to get the max benefit from each workout he needed to push himself but he wanted to do it naturally.

"I use The Real Deal," says Heary, "it allows me to push past all of my previous plateaus and experience a higher quality workout. I've been able to step to the next level, and then to the next."

"Once I started taking The Real Deal I noticed that I could lift heavier weights, longer and more often than ever before. I have been taking it as a pre-workout supplement for about 3 months and have seen more gains in the last couple months than I have in two years," says Heary.

Why does The Real Deal work better for body builders than other supplements?

First of all it's a Vasodilator, which means your muscles get more blood and oxygen right when you need it. The ingredients and the specific doses used in The Real Deal are backed by hundreds of scientific studies, and user feedback. If you compare the ingredients and amounts with similar products The Real Deal just uses the right amount of key ingredients to deliver 'Real' results.

What do the ingredients in The Real Deal actually do for body builders? We could write a dissertation on what each ingredient does, but here's a 'Twitter' type version recap of each one:

Creatine significantly increases lean muscle mass and energy levels during exercise.

Xyliltol is a slow burning organic sweetener, that helps burn fat, increase energy and bone density, and it's good for your teeth too!

Caffeine provides the surge needed to maximize training, increase your focus and mental alertness, and delay the onset of muscle fatigue.

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) aid in recovery by repairing tissues after a workout and produce chemicals that sharpen your ability to focus.

Beta-Alanine increases carnosine concentrations, which allows muscles to contract harder and longer, allowing more reps and more sets.

Citrulline Malate, derived from watermelons and apples, increases N.O production better than L-Arginine, reduces the buildup of lactic acid and ammonia, and increases ATP production and Phosphocreatine recovery.

Electrolytes are vital to many metabolic processes and are depleted during exercise, so you want to make sure you have enough before and after your workout.

Trying to select a pre-workout supplement to maximize your workouts can be very confusing and can result in needlessly spending money for high-cost, low-result products. Also be very wary of supplement manufacturers who hide behind proprietary blends that attempt to entice you with trace amounts of ingredients that have no direct benefits to exercise and weight training. The Real Deal provides the right ingredients and the right dosages.

The bottom line: If you want to get past plateaus and get great workouts along with the body you really want, then try The Real Deal and check out http://www.TheNewRealDeal.com  

One more thing: The Real Deal helps bodybuilders, weight trainers and athletes attain their goals because it is a pre-workout supplement with all the right ingredients, that's why it's called The Real Deal.

About the Author

Joe Lorenz is the founder of Real Sports Labs which produces The Real Deal http://www.TheNewRealDeal.com  a powerful performance enhancement supplement that helps improve endurance, energy, strength and mental focus whether biking, swimming, running, body building or weight training.


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Name: Scott Lorenz
Title: Publicist
Group: Westwind Communications
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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