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Busting Three Myths About Finding Your Perfect Job Today
Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, January 21, 2023


Maybe it is the new year resolutions, or the media attention of some of the large layoffs announced, but I am talking to many executives and leaders about making a career transition. Whether you are looking for your next role by choice or through forced necessity I want to bust these three common myths of making a job move:

1. Budgets are being cut and no-one is hiring

Don't be fooled by the headline grabbing layoffs at companies including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Salesforce. There are currently 72,635 executive roles advertised on LinkedIn at the time of writing this. Companies are hiring - but they are relying far more on networks and personal recommendations than formal recruitment processes. You have to use the side door, back door, and creative ways to grab attention and share your unique value.

2. Strong relationships with headhunters is crucial to getting a new job

While I am not telling you be rude and to completely ignore the recruiters and headhunters who call you - I am advising that you don't waste time chasing headhunters - instead spend all of your time talking to people in your network who can hire you: CEOs, Board members, Executives, those in roles more senior than you who have the power to offer you a job. I cover how to "wake up your network" in detail in my second book Rapid Growth Done Right.

 3. The roles advertised don't fit my background

The more senior you rise, the more jobs are created and crafted just for you. You can ignore job descriptions when contacting those in your network you know who can hire you. A CMO recently contacted a former colleague to let them know they were looking for their next career move - she immediately said "I am so glad you called, I am about to complete a reorganization of my team and you would be perfect, I can create a new role just for you" - This happens far more frequently than people realize - the key is letting those who know you, know that you are considering alternative roles so they can factor you in to their future changes.

As I celebrate the 10th anniversary of launching my own business this month I am giving away 10 copies of Rapid Growth Done Right - that has a whole chapter dedicated to Defining and Finding Your Perfect Job. Leave a comment or message me on social media with the hashtag #valwright and if you are selected as a winner I will send you a copy.

I keep getting asked for this, so I am contemplating launching a Rapid Career Transition Support Program where I share in a virtual group setting the steps to take to define and find your perfect job. If this is something you would be interested in, leave a comment or DM me with Tell Me More.

Dedicated to growing your business,


P.S. I hope you enjoyed this week's VAL-uable Insights, sign up here to get them in your inbox each Monday morning: http://valwrightconsulting.com/newsletter-sign-up/

  Val Wright is a recognized leadership and organization expert. Working with Xbox, Microsoft, Amazon and LinkedIn, she has spent the last 20 years partnering with executives to accelerate growth and gain market superiority across the the games, technology, retail and e-commerce industries.

She is know for telling leaders what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Leaders seek her out when they need to accelerate their business results, build organizations, develop leaders and create world-class people strategies. Val is a dynamic speaker who will provoke, inspire and provide immediate value to your audience. She has been quoted in Fast Company, E-commerce times, Yahoo.com, Aol.com, usnews.com, NJ.com, TheNetworkJournal.com and TechNerwsWorld.com.

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