Home > NewsRelease > CM Yates Capital Launches Private Real Estate Fund
CM Yates Capital Launches Private Real Estate Fund
Chris Yates -- Real Estate Investor and Private Capital Expert Chris Yates -- Real Estate Investor and Private Capital Expert
Monday, November 23, 2009

Called an "authentic expert" in the Nov/Dec 09 cover story of Personal Real Estate Investor magazine, Chris Yates of CM Yates Capital headlines as the issue's Master Investor. Publisher Andrew Waite interviews Yates and traces his journey in the feature article "From Boot Straps to Brilliance." Yates is President and CEO of the CM Yates Companies, which now controls a multimillion dollar international real estate portfolio from company headquarters in Denver, Colorado. Waite sites the market agility that has earned Yates his designation as the magazine's year-end Master Investor, with his creation of a new private real estate fund. Yates has performed due diligence on his fund, hiring a securities attorney to assure compliance with legal and registration work on the fund before offering it to passive investors. The result is a fund that delivers an investment with predictable income and a dividend kicker, a built-in equity position, insurance against loss, secured by titled real estate held by an LLC. For those investors looking for an alternative to volatile Wall Street stocks and bonds, Yates sees this fund as similar to an investment club, but with the risk spread and reduced. The fund is appropriate for self-directed 401k and IRA investments . Yates designed this private placement so that his company will only be paid on profits and receives no management fees. To quote Chris Yates, "It's all about performance." For more information on CM Yates and its strategies, visit http://cmyatescapital.com.

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Dateline: Basalt, CO United States
Direct Phone: 719-331-9393
Main Phone: 720-279-1260
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