Home > NewsRelease > C-Suite Wednesday — Want to Become the Next SBA Administrator?
C-Suite Wednesday — Want to Become the Next SBA Administrator?
Bob Coleman -- The Coleman Report Bob Coleman -- The Coleman Report
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, November 23, 2016


November 23, 2016

C-Suite Wednesday — Want to Become the Next SBA Administrator?

Bob Coleman
Editor, C-Suite Wednesday

serveamericaThank you for your responses to our poll on Monday on who you think should become the next SBA Administrator. There are the usual suspects, and some thoughtful nominations.

But, if you are serious you can apply directly to Trump’s SBA transition team led by Mary Anne Bradfield.

From the President Elect’s website:

President Elect Trump has promised to change Washington, DC and that will start with identifying and recruiting the finest men and women from across the country to serve in his Administration. Any individual who wishes to serve the Administration should utilize this online application in order to participate.

The President Elect will make appointments for a variety of positions throughout the federal government; some will require Senate confirmation, while others will not. Appointments that require Senate confirmation include the Cabinet, subcabinet, members of regulatory commissions, ambassadorships, judgeships, as well as members of numerous advisory boards.


Service in the Trump-Pence Administration will be service to our Nation and thus a high honor, which demands both sacrifice and dedication. There are many factors to consider:

  • The time commitment is significant and the pace is fast
  • Appointments and jobs of the Trump-Pence Administration are demanding, and the application process is rigorous

President Elect Trump appreciates your interest and willingness to serve.

For most applicants under serious consideration:

  • A full FBI background check in which an applicant’s history of employment, personal, travel, medical, financial, legal, military and education background will likely take.
  • Consideration is taken for possible conflicts of interest. Financial holdings and sources of income must be disclosed.Any conflicts must be remedied by divestiture, the creation of special trusts, and other actions.
  • Many appointees’ dealings with the Federal government both during and for a period of time after their service will be significantly restricted to prevent possible conflicts of interest.


All those wishing to apply for positions in the Trump-Pence Transition, Executive Office of the President, or a Federal Department, Agency or Commission should follow the instructions below:

  • Complete the online application and submit it electronically.You will be notified electronically once your information has been received.A record of your application will be maintained while the President is in office, and you will be considered for the position(s) or subject area(s) which you have expressed interest in whenever openings occur.
  • You will be asked fill out a Personal Data Statement if you are considered for a specific position. You will be asked about possible conflicts of interest deriving from your sources of income; all aspects of your personal and professional life, including organization which you belong or once belonged; speeches you may have given and books, articles and editorials you may have written; legal, administrative and regulatory proceedings to which you may have been a party; in short, anything that might embarrass the President or you if he should choose you for a position in his administration.
  • If you are considered for a nomination by the President Elect, you will be asked to complete FBI and financial disclosure forms for review and consideration. The types of forms you may be required to fill out are as follows: for National Security Positions (SF86) and for higher-level positions, the financial disclosure form, (SF278).Most appointees are required to file financial disclosure statements annually during their term of service.
  • If Senate confirmation is required for the position you are nominated for, the Senate committee that reviews those nominations may ask you to provide additional information.

One should assume that all of the information provided during this process is ultimately subject to public disclosure, if requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

Access the online application here


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Group: The Coleman Report
Dateline: La Canada, CA United States
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