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Can Harris Sell Change in 2024 Election?
Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant Dr. Louis Perron - Political Consultant
Zurich, None
Friday, August 30, 2024

New Book: "Beat the Incumbent"


Author of "Beat the Incumbent" Describes Major Task of Selling Change to Voters


August 30, 2024

For immediate release

Zurich, Switzerland—The New York Times reports that Kamala Harris, who only became the Democrats' presidential nominee recently, is trying to emerge as the "change candidate."

According to Dr. Louis Perron, author of Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections,the 2024 U.S. presidential race is fundamentally a change election. "A majority of voters disapprove of the job incumbent President Joe Biden is doing and an even bigger majority thinks that the country goes off the wrong track. That's raw material for a challenger."

"Kamala Harris is able to position herself rather effectively as the change candidate. It's not so much a change in policy that she is offering, but a generational change."

"It's impressive that Donald Trump and Republicans let Democrats get away with it. While we're no longer in a typical incumbent versus challenger situation, there still is an incumbent party candidate. With respect to message strategy, Donald Trump should tie Kamala Harris to the status quo."

"Most voters around the world are skeptical about change rooted in ideology, such as the introduction of radical new policies or an abrupt change in values. Change should usually be defined as a change in leadership, fresh faces, an improved economy, and implementing important reforms." said Dr. Perron who writes about campaigns from the USA, but also Germany, United Kingdom, France, Ukraine and Brazil.

Dr. Louis Perron has been featured in Newsweek, USA Today, C-SPAN, and many other media outlets.

For more information, or to schedule an interview with Dr. Louis Perron, please contact Kevin McVicker at Shirley & McVicker Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or kmcvicker@shirleyandmcvicker.com.

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